Friday, March 29, 2013

Author Spotlight: David Burton

Last month I posted an interview with Darren Worrow, self-published author from the UK -- a friendly character with a comical side .  As I stated in the introduction to his interview, I've discovered many talented and hopeful individuals traveling this road of self-publishing, all with unique tried-and-proven experiences. And these ambitious people have come together in numerous groups and forums.  What a joy it’s been to make new friends, to lend a helping hand, and to learn from them! 

Knowing how powerful word-of-mouth is for the self-published, I decided to interview a few of these authors met online. This month, I'd like to introduce a highly-productive writer who has produced a number of darker, mystery/thriller/supernatural books presently available.  

David Burton.

- Hi, David!  Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?  Where were you born and raised?   

I was born in Pittsburgh, lived in a small town about 50 miles away until I was 10. Parents divorced and we moved to Florida for 4 years then 3 different high schools, a party year at college, 2 years in Thailand courtesy of the US Army. Was a mechanic for awhile and did some travelling by motorcycle -Mexico, Alaska - then got into building boats. Built sailboats for myself and others, went sailing – Mexico, Tahiti, Hawaii, through the Panama Canal into the Caribbean.  Was a cabinetmaker in Colorado for 14 years and now I'm back in Southern Cal.

- How did you get involved in writing?  Has it been a life-long passion or is it a more recently developed talent?

In high school I had a stern, no-nonsense, brilliant English teacher. He introduced us to “Literature.” Look Homeward Angel, Winesburg, Ohio, To Kill a Mockingbird, and the like. I was interested in writing, but through youthful scatterbrainedness that one kicks themselves in the butt for once they grow up and begin to figure things out, I didn't pursue it. Some years later I remembered what I wanted and here I am.

- What genre and audience do you typically write for?  Or does that vary by project?

Supernatural (vampires lately, but adventures in Hell, also), mystery, thriller,  YA/Adult coming-of-age (Ancient Mariners)

- Could you give us a list of your books and a short description of each?  And where can these titles be found for purchase?  (Click on the image to learn more about that book.)

YOUNG ADULT/Coming-of-age
Ancient Mariners
Ancient MarinersA dark coming-of-age novel for adults and mature young adults. Beth, 14, and her crew mate, Silas, 45, have lost their families to violence. They sail the S Pacific, seeking solace for their grief. But Death has a task for them. When Beth's best friend joins her in Australia, followed by her abusive father, Beth and Silas discover where Death's journey is leading them.

Product Details

Product Details
Hell Cop SeriesHell Cops are hired to go into Hell and retrieve souls sent down by Purgatorial error. Indiana Jones has nothing on Getter and Sneaker.
Hell Cop
The Golden Palace
Hell Cop the bundle – all of the above.

Fear Killer

Fear Killer - A cautionary tale, the psychological suspense novel Fear Killer is the story of a beautiful but timid young woman victimized by an abusive, adulterous husband. She surprises herself by fighting off and killing the attacker. Seeing the fear in his dying eyes, something snaps inside her. She has never made anybody afraid before. She is no longer willing to be a victim. Her need to see that fear again soon becomes an obsession, with deadly consequences for some men who come in contact with her.

Police detective Martha Newton, who befriended Emily after the first attack, investigates a series of murders that will eventually lead back to Emily.

Product Details
Mapping the Glades - Harrison Park is an ex-DEA agent and now a successful writer who has lived in virtual seclusion on the edge of the Everglades for three years since the suspicious death of his wife. Trouble arrives with his step-son, Pauly, who Harrison believes was involved in his wife's death. With Pauly is his girlfriend who has stolen money from a California gangster, Raul Geoshay. Geoshay desperately needs that money back.

Blood Justice
Blood Justice - About to die during a failed attempt to kill one of the men responsible for her daughter’s death, Justine Kroft is saved by Simone Gireaux, a 350 year old vampire. In order to avenge her daughter's murder Justine persuades Simone to change her into a vampire. They join forces to find and kill the self-anointed Vampire Master involved in her daughter’s death. Ultimately, Justine must choose between having her daughter back or the life of a mortal detective whose love for her has put his life on the block.

An Accidental Vampire    New Blood - (An Accidental Vampire #2)    Young Blood
An Accidental Vampire series – Three stories (more to come) that follow 350 year-old Simone Gireaux (from Blood Justice) as she survives and prospers through history.
An Accidental Vampire
New Blood
Young Blood

All these titles are available as e-books from Amazon, Smashwords, B&N, KOBO and iTunes. Blood Justice is available in print from Amazon and any bookstore.  Or from me if you want an autographed copy. On my website all the covers are on the right. Click on the ones your interested in and you'll go to a page with all the links and the first pages.
My occasional What If? Blog is at

- What’s been the most rewarding occurrence since you’ve put your work out there for others to read and enjoy?

 Having three books published, by someone else, was a thrill each time. My first book, Manmade for Murder, was picked for an anthology by the Detective Book Club. That was double cool. And the occasional rave review by someone I don't know is always nice.

- Who would you cite as an influence on your writing style?  Any favorite authors?  Do you have a most-loved novel?

I don't know about style. I read a bit of everything and sometimes feel I'm still searching for my own style. Don't know if I have a favorite author. If I'm reading a good book, then that author is my favorite. The same with novels, though Terry Brooks' Running With Demons trilogy, there's actually three trilogies, always come to mind.  They definitely got me interested in Urban Fantasy.

- What projects do you have planned for the near future?  Anything you can share to perk our interest?

How much space do you have? Right now I'm about to finish the second draft of the sequel to my novel Blood Justice. I'm also trying to work on getting Hell Cop ready to submit to Createspace for a print edition. Once I get that all figured out then I want to put out a print edition of all my novels. I'm also updating my first published mystery Manmade for Murder. Another mystery, Passion Street, is ready to publish when I get the time.  Somewhere in there I want to do another An Accidental Vampire story. Is that enough?

- I have to throw in my own curious questions; Do you have a favorite quote?  Color?  Character from any book?

I'm not good with quotes so the only one I can give you is from a screenplay I wrote where one witch tells another, “There's always someone more powerful out there.” So don't get cocky.
Seawater Blue
Characters??? Lisbeth Salander from Girl with the Dragon Tattoo comes to mind. Dave Robichaux  from James Lee Burke's books is another.  My favorite that I've written is Beth from Ancient Mariners. I hope to do more with her in the future.

- Thanks so much for your time, David, and best of luck with your writing endeavors. Is there a way for any interested parties to keep informed about your accomplishments as an author?  Do you maintain a website or blog?

I'm not good at updating, though I have vowed to be better at it. Sometimes there are long stretches when there isn't much to say. My website needs a bit more organization, and I have a Facebook author page, somewhere, but it drives me nuts trying to get it to do what I want it to do. If there are any experts out there who would like to volunteer to put me out of my Facebook misery, let me know.  Getting something done on Goodreads also makes me tear out what little hair I have left.
I occasionally put some tidbit in my blog, but that's way overdue for a new post.

- Is there anything else you would like to share?

I've written six feature length screenplays, all, unfortunately, sitting in a drawer waiting to become books. If anybody out there is interested in reading or producing one, let me know.