Showing posts with label habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label habits. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2019

8 Truths About Change

       Last month I decided to take more time from my busy schedule and devote it to working on certain things I want to improve in my personal life. How is it going, you ask? Slower than I had hoped and yet I do see real progress being made. While concentrating more intently this past month on purposeful change, I have learned a few valuable lessons. Isn't that how it usually goes? I thought I would share these truths; you may find them helpful and enlightening:

1) The worst day is always the first day. Changing a habit or instigating something new is toughest at the start. Through repetition, however, new habits grow. They are strengthened with familiarity.

2) Friends make everything easier. If you want to succeed at a challenge, involve your friends. They have an amazing capacity to lighten physical, emotional, and mental burdens by simply being there.

3) Know what your objective is. Anything that does not contribute to that objective is unnecessary―let those things go.

4) Patience is not only a virtue, it is power, it is influence, it is the richest soil for personal growth.

5) Success is the result of moving forward. Concentrate on that fact, regardless of how slow or fast, how poorly or well things seem to be going. If you are moving forward, you are succeeding.

6) Believing in yourself is enough, but it sure is nice when another's kind words of encouragement kiss your ear. There is genuine strength in verbal expressions of support.

7) Laughing at yourself does more to heal the heart and mind than any medicine. Discouragement and despair cower under a good dose of laughter.

8) It is okay to alter your original plans. To try means to learn. To learn means to grow. To grow means to change.

       I plan to keep at it this month and the next, and the next, and so forth. Time is a critical part of the equation when it comes to change and improvement. Wish me luck on my goals. Best of luck on your own personal goals as well. Remember, never give up!