Showing posts with label author interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label author interview. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

My Favorite Things - Author Interview

Richelle, readers have asked a few questions about your favorite things. Thank you for agreeing to answer some of these fun and curious questions. Let's start with a simple one: 

What is your favorite color?
Pink first
a soft pastel pinkand then hazel green. Pink wins out over green.

Why is that?
Because pink is pretty and feminine. I like feminine things
,the whole "pretty in pink" image. I like green because my eyes are green, and I have always been pleased with my eye color.

What is your favorite movie?
That is a tough question because I love movies. I will say either Enchanted or Shrek is my favorite movie. I adore the Enchanted story and the actors who starred in the movie. Shrek was just awesome, including all of the sequels. They make me laugh every time. But I also like Tangled, Trolls, Aladdin, and Moana. I enjoy feel-good cartoons. Honestly, I LOVE cartoons; I always have. I enjoy almost any film or tv series with "star" in the title, like Star Trek
love, love, love the new Strange New Worlds Star Trek series with Captain Pike. I am a fan of Star Wars and Stargate as well. And the Avengers, especially the original Avengers. There will never be a group of Avengers to top the original gang. I love the new episodes of Star Wars and Marvel stories they have on Disney now. Those have been fun to watch. I also like AvatarThe Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit as well as Pirates of the Caribbean, Alice in Wonderland, and First Knight. Sean Connery was my heartthrob when I was young. He and Richard Dean Anderson and Johnny Depp. 

What about your favorite music artist?
Hands down, Rascal Flatts. But as a teenager, I used to listen to Sting almost exclusively. Funny how our tastes change. I also enjoy Jon McLaughlin, Rachel Platten, Justin Timberlake, Forest Blakk, Ed Sheeran, Billy Joel, and the Pentatonix. All of these artists have some excellent music out. And I love listening to anything sung by Idina Menzel. Her voice is captivating! 

Do you have a favorite song?
That is an impossible question too, with an ever-changing answer. Give me a list of Rascal Flatts songs and I'll mark them off for you. I really like Bless the Broken Road and Unstoppable and The Day Before You and I Won't Let Go and Where You Are and Feels Like Today and so on and so on. But I also like If You Love Her by Forest Blakk, Better Place by Rachel Platten, So Close by Jon McLaughlin, The Prayer by Pentatonix, Made You Look by Meghan Trainor, and so many other amazing songs I can't even think of at the moment.

How about books and authors?  Which are your best-loved books? 
My favorite book of all time is Les Miserables written by Victor Hugo. He was a master storyteller and a wizard with words. I love how meticulously he describes settings and characters, and how he stirs up deep emotions in readers. Hugo is a genius.  My other favorite authors include C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, masters of fantasy.  The Lord of the Rings is my absolute best-loved saga of all time.  And I appreciated the disturbing truth in The Screwtape Letters.  That book hit a nerve.

Other favorite books include Rumpelstiltskin and all the old fairytales by the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson, Charles Perrault and George MacDonald.  I also adore Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. 

I enjoy Charles Dickens' writing.  He has vibrant personality in his narrative voice.  It is bright and distinctively him.  It was a treat to read A Christmas Carol after watching the hundreds of movies based on the book.  And Oliver Twist
wow!  The model for a classic work. I like reading Shel Silverstein's poetry because his work is creative and fun. I could list hundreds of good books because there are so many. We're spoiled as readers these days. 

If you had a free day to yourself and a choice of doing anything at all, what would you do? 
Easy.  I would curl up in the corner of my sofa with a hot cup of cocoa and work on another book.  I love writing, whether it is poetry or a developing story.  Writing has become my beloved obsession.

Okay, Richelle, here's a string of random questions.  Ready?

Hit it.

What is your magical number?

Ten.  Followed closely by seven and seventeen.

What is your preferred flower?
Lily. Especially a large-petal lily in the shade of pink or maroon.

Your favorite animal?
Cats!  Big, crazy, playful cats.

Favored comic strip?
Ziggy.  He is everything good and adorable.

Your pick of animated characters?
You are probably thinking I will say Shrek, but Winnie the Pooh is my absolute favorite animated character. He and Eeyore. 

Most impressive of all mythical creatures?

Colossal, scaly-skinned, fire-breathing dragons!

Who is your all-time favorite superhero?
It used to be Thor, but Captain America won my heart as the Avengers movies progressed.  I like the whole medieval image and the idea of immortality, but I respect the leadership abilities of Captain America and the fact that he was doggedly firm in standing up for his beliefs, his standards, and his friends. That to me is what a real hero does. 

What supernatural power would you want for yourself as a superhero?

Definitely healing powers.  It would be rewarding to have the ability to heal diseases and illnesses.

What's your favorite food?

Fresh, hot, homemade bread slathered in butter and strawberry preserves.  Mmmmm! 

Sweetest dessert?
Soft chocolate chip cookies with walnuts and hot fudge sundaes and bittersweet dark chocolate.  It is hard to choose between the three, so I just put them all together. Honestly, if I had to choose, it would be ice cream. Either a hot fudge sundae or peanut butter and chocolate ice cream.

What is your preferred restaurant to frequent?
Wendy's was my favorite as a child for fast food. I recently discovered Braum's since moving down south, and they have ice cream to go with their fast food, so that is a huge plus in my book! For a nicer dinner, I enjoy any good Mexican restaurant or Italian restaurant. 

Your favorite holiday?
My birthday, of course!  Actually, Christmas is my favorite holiday.  I have a tradition of unpacking my many copies of A Christmas Carol
a collection that continues to growand then I watch the many different versions of Scrooge throughout the month of  December.  It is my crazy traditionone that makes my family groan.  They can probably recite the entire movie from beginning to end now.

Do you have a best-loved sport?
To play, it would be volleyball.  To watch
football.  Football is never boring.

Besides writing, what else do you like to do for fun?

Go to the movies and eat popcorn. Gotta have popcorn. I also like to strum on the guitar or play the piano. I am not great at it, but playing music is enjoyable. Playing a little pool or bowling a few games is also fun for me
again, not that I am good at either one. 

Do you have a preference in perfumes?
No, but I do have a favorite incense or two.  I love the smell of eucalyptus and myrrh.  You can get them as essential oils.  The smells are unusual; earthy, warm, spicy, exotic, and totally intoxicating.  I love sniffing at myrrh because the fragrance is a rare experience.  To me, it is sort of mystical.  I dab a little oil on my ears or on my neck sometimes just to catch the smell throughout the day.  

Do you have a treasured quote?
Oh dear, many!  I love good quotes.  My favorite quote changes depending on the day and what is happening in my life at the time.  One that has stuck with me consistently was written by Henry David Thoreau.

"If you have built your castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.  Now put foundations under them."

That quote is a motivator for me, one that urges me to keep on with my dreams regardless of how improbable the likelihood is of reaching them.

I know you have a few quotes of your own.  What's your favorite personal quote?
“Don't ever give up.
 Don't ever give in.
 Don't ever stop trying.
 Don't ever sell out.
 And if you find yourself succumbing to one of the above for a brief moment, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, whisper a prayer, and start where you left off. But never, ever, ever give up.”
Words I live by.

That is inspiring.  Any other words of advice for fellow writers?
Yes.  Please do not take this the wrong way, but my best advice is this:  Don't listen to anyone. I actually mean it.  Do not change your writing to please the world, because you cannot please the whole world.  Do not be swayed by those who would take over your ambitions and see your zeal for writing slowly fade.  Write what makes you happy
just you.  Your story should come from the heart and be written in your words. Your writing should be your own distinct, compiled treasure. Only then will your work be a worthwhile endeavor.  In the end, there will be those who value it.  There is a quote of mine that is appropriate here...
"No matter what you write, no matter how meticulous and painstaking the creation process, someone is going to laugh, scorn, and dissect your work with criticism while another quietly falls in love with it."

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Author Interview with Awesome Gang

       Recently, I stumbled across an author interview I did a few years back with an administrator from Awesome Gang"Where awesome book readers meet awesome writers." It was fun to read through the questions/answers again and realize that most of the goals I mentioned during the interview have now been accomplished. It has taken its share of time.      

       Unfortunately, when goals eat up a lengthy amount of work days, any substantial forward progress seems less evident. But while reading over this interview and looking back, I realized how much I have actually accomplished since then. It was a positive boost for me. 

       I am including the interview below for your enjoyment. Go ahead and read it while I continue chipping away at my writing goals. There is still a lot I plan to do!

(You can find the original interview on

Richelle E. Goodrich

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.

I was born in Utah and grew up in Washington State where I presently reside with my husband and three teenage boys. I began writing my first novel around Christmastime, December 2007. The goal was to see if I could complete one novel-length book, believing it would be an impressive accomplishment. Little did I know I would fall in love with the writing process and continue writing at every given opportunity! One book turned into a six-book fantasy-sci-fi-romance-adventure series known as the Harrowbethian Saga. I also write poetry and short stories, but I am most known for my quotes that circulate the internet. You can find many of my quotes on Goodreads linked to my author page. I have two books presently published that include quotes, poetry, and short stories for every day of the year, but my favorite book–the one that challenged me–is a fictional human interest account about a young girl who struggles to endure a life of hard circumstances. I write to entertain myself, and this keeps me happily writing as often as time permits.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

My latest published book is the third in the Harrowbethian Saga titled, Eena, The Curse of Wanyaka Cave. This series was inspired by my tendency to daydream in high school when I was a teenager. What else was there to do with all that extra time in class? This story of Queen Eena was one of my favorite daydreams to visit and revisit when I was bored. I think this series proves I have always possessed an active and creative imagination.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?

I use a lot of sticky notes when I write a book, and these sticky notes tend to end up plastered around the screen of my laptop as I type out chapters. The theory is that I keep better track of ideas, character personalities, plot twists, etc. if these reminders stare me in the face. Once a sticky note is no longer needed, I get an odd thrill out of peeling it off my screen and putting it into a big envelope where it is saved as project notes.

What authors, or books have influenced you?

I have probably been influenced most by authors of classic literature. They are my favorite writers and include Victor Hugo, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain, Mary Shelley, and Homer. My favorite book of all time is Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. I enjoy the old children’s fairy tales too, like those written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Lewis Carroll, Rudyard Kipling, and George MacDonald.

What are you working on now?

I am presently working on another book of quotes, poetry, and short stories for every day of the year. It will be titled, Slaying Dragons, and dedicated to my son for his graduation this year. He loves dragons.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?

I have grown fond of Goodreads for promoting my books. I have book giveaways posted there all the time.

Do you have any advice for new authors?

First, if you want to be a writer, then WRITE! Spend less time thinking, studying, researching, learning, worrying about the art and just write. Write a sentence, a paragraph, a page every day of your life—about anything and everything. Scribble out a poem, a quote, a set of instructions, a portion of a developing novel, a letter to a friend, and so on. Read your work over and edit it. Then set it aside for a while before reading and editing it again. The point is, writing and re-writing are the exercises for authors that lead to excellence.

Secondly, READ everything. Read books, articles, recipes, blogs, letters, cereal boxes, and so on. Pay attention to the details that draw you in. Note what causes you to lose interest. Keep a journal of what you learn, and refer to it now and then.

Thirdly, pick up a basic GRAMMAR book and memorize it; put that knowledge to use.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?

The best writing advice I have ever heard was a quote by Toni Morrison: “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”

What are you reading now?

My son is performing in “Narnia” at the local high school, which got me thinking about those wonderful books. I just started reading The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis. I plan to read through all of the Chronicles of Narnia.

What’s next for you as a writer?

Slowly but surely, I am writing more books and developing a following of readers. I plan to get the last three books of the Harrowbethian Saga published as soon as possible, and then I will work on putting my best poetry together in one book.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?

Only 4 books? This is a tough choice. I would probably bring the biggest and best books I have read.
1.) Les Miserables
2.) The Odyssey
3.) Does The Lord of the Rings count as one book?
4.) The Scriptures

Author Websites and Profiles:

Monday, February 4, 2019

Author Podcast Interview

     I'm excited to announce I was interviewed by the lovely Vikki J. Carter on her author podcast. It was a pleasure to visit with her and talk about the different aspects of writing, editing, and publishing. Listen to Authors of the Pacific Northwest this month and catch the interviews of many interesting authors. Listen for mine on February 25th! I'll be reading from my written works at the end of the interview. Hopefully, I don't sound as nervous on the air as I felt.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Richelle E. Goodrich Author Interview by Arvenig

Recently, I was granted the opportunity to be interviewed about my experiences becoming an author. I talked a little about the books I have published since that pivotal turning point in my life. The interview is posted on  or scroll down to read it here.   Enjoy!

Posted on 22/07/2017 by Arvenig

Hi everyone!
This is the nineteenth post of my featuring authors series. Today I’m going to feature Richelle Goodrich that has written The Tarishe Curse, Making Wishes , Eena, The Dawn and Rescue (The Harrowbethian Saga #1), and many other ones! In this post there will be a bio about the author and one of her books, an interview and a giveaway!
To see other authors I featured click here! To be featured contact me here!

About Richelle Goodrich:
Richelle is a native of Washington State, graduated from Eastern Washington University with bachelor’s degrees in Liberal Studies and Math/Science Education. Her quotes have been published in a number of books including the Oxford Philosophy Being HumanCourse Book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christmas in Canada, and in a Revlon magazine ad campaign. She has a strong love of the arts―drama, choir, sketching, painting, literature. This author writes whenever and wherever opportunity presents itself. She describes herself beautifully in the following quote:

“I like bubbles in everything. I respect the power of silence. In cold or warm weather I favor a mug of hot cocoa. I admire cats―their autonomy, grace, and mystery. I awe at the fiery colors in a sunset. I believe in deity. I hear most often with my eyes, and I will trust a facial expression before any accompanying comment. I invent rules, words, adventures, and imaginary friends. I pretend something wonderful every day. I will never quit pretending.”
~ Richelle E. Goodrich

About the book Eena, The Dawn and Rescue:
Sevenah Williams lives a quiet farm life with her parents and best friend, Ian. Life is good and predictable until the unexpected yanks her from the only reality she remembers. Forced from home, her tragic and forgotten past is pieced together revealing that Sevenah is in fact heir to the throne of Harrowbeth; she is the last living of royal blood able to don a peculiar heirloom necklace. Given the new name, Eena, she and Ian set off for a new home, dodging nightmarish enemies in the process. All the while great powers granted by the enchanted necklace slowly emerge and develop.

Eena is assisted by militia sent to retrieve their queen, commanded by the bossy and intimidating Captain Derian. Though Ian and Derian endeavor to protect her, Eena is abducted by a charming, silver-tongued man. She finds herself forced to choose sides in a civil war she hardly understands. Which rival has the power to convince her of his nobleness and gain her ultimate support?

Arvenig: Tell us a little about yourself and your background!
Richelle: My name is Richelle E. Goodrich. I am native to the Pacific Northwest area of the United States. I attended Eastern Washington University in my younger years and graduated with two bachelors degrees: BAEd Natural Science/Mathematics and BA General Studies. I am married and have three teenage boys who are nothing alike. I love all forms of art and literature, especially imaginative epic sagas. I have authored fourteen original works, eight of which are self-published and available for purchase in ebook and paperback forms online. I write poetry and life quotes, as well as fantasy-scifi-romance sagas and moving novels that appeal to both young adults and seasoned adults. My personal favorite self-authored book is Dandelions: The Disappearance of Annabelle Fancher because many events in the story were taken from the lives of my friends. It is a realistic story mingled with moments of make-believe. My absolute favorite book of all time is Les Miserable by Victor Hugo.

A.: When did you first realise you wanted to be a writer?

R.: Quite honestly, my interest in writing was sparked later in life. While in school I concentrated more on the sciences, mathematics , and art. Writing was less appealing to me. It wasn’t until I turned 38 that I had a flicker of inspirational thought that spurred me to attempt to write a book. It was meant to be a fun challenge. It took me two years to complete my first book–Eena, The Dawn and Rescue–during which time I fell in love with storytelling. I never thought I would love writing as I now do. If you would like to read a more detailed account of how I came to be a writer, visit my blog post, Whatever Made You Want to Write a Book?

A.: Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?
R.: The Harrowbethian Saga was written purely as a world of fantasy in which to get lost. If a message does exist in its pages I would say it is this: getting to know yourself is a never-ending journey filled with surprises.
Dandelions: The Disappearance of Annabelle Fancher was written to shake people up. It is meant to make readers peel away their blinders and pay closer attention to where their help is needed.
My three quote/poetry books–Smile Anyway, Making Wishes, and Slaying Dragons–are filled with motivational, inspirational, and thought-provoking messages for every day of the year.

A.: What are you working on at the moment?
I am presently working on the final touches for the cover to the 4th book in the Harrowbethian Saga–Eena, The Two Sisters. Its official release date is set for August 10th, 2017. Preorder options will be available in July. Afterwards, I will dive right into editing the 5th book in this epic saga–Eena, The Tempter’s Snare. The 6th book will follow–Eena, The Companionship of the Dragon’s Soul. It is the final book in the series.

A.: Any last thoughts for our readers?
When you find an author you like, one whose works you truly enjoy, the kindest, most helpful thing you can do is post reviews and ratings for his/her books at online book sites like Goodreads, Librarything, Amazon, BarnesandNobles, Kobo, iTunes, etc. It is a tremendous help to a struggling author. It can also be a sweet form of praise that affects the hopeful heart of any writer.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Books, Blogs, & Bits Interviews Me

The following is an interview of yours truly arranged by Books, Blogs, and Bits: A site to share and highlight books, authors, and other interesting stuff. I enjoyed this interview a great deal and have posted it here for your reading pleasure.

Books, Blogs, and Bits
is proud to present:
Richelle E. Goodrich

Richelle E. Goodrich lives in Washington with her husband and three boys somewhere in a compromise between country and city living. She has two BA degrees and possesses a wide range of interests in the creative arts. Her love for writing emerged later in life, first manifesting itself through children’s books geared at entertaining her boys. Eena, The Dawn and Rescue and Eena, The Return of a Queen (the beginning adventures in the Harrowbethian Saga) are Richelle’s first novel-length achievements. This author will tell you that the greatest thrill of writing is to hear what readers have to say about the characters living within her enchanted pages.

~ ~

BB & B: I love this quote of yours, 
“Courage to me is doing something daring, no matter how afraid, insecure, intimidated, alone, unworthy, incapable, ridiculed or whatever other paralyzing emotion you might feel. Courage is taking action… no matter what. So you’re afraid? Be afraid. Be scared silly to the point you’re trembling and nauseous, but do it anyway!” -Smile Anyway
Can you tell us about this quote and what brought out these words of encouragement?

Richelle: Yes, I certainly can. For the most part, my quotes have been inspired by personal experiences and some unpleasant trials. At times, however, they’ve resulted from a keen fascination for observing and evaluating human behavior. I like to ‘people watch’, perhaps because I never cease to be amazed by the actions of others.

The quote you mention regarding courage came to me when I was facing a difficult challenge that resulted in taking a stand for what I heartily wanted despite strenuous opposition. I’m no super hero, I’ll admit. I cringe at the mere mention of anxiety, fear, and confrontation. But I’ve learned that courage isn’t reserved for the brave and daring only. Courage means taking action, period. And even a timid personality can do that—albeit trembling the entire time.

BB & B: I love fantasy and magic in my books and you definitely capture these elements so beautifully in your stories. What inspires you when in the creation of your characters and the world they live in?

Richelle: I’m a daydreamer to the very core. There are a thousand stories swirling in my head constantly, sort of like an inner library where I slip a book off the shelf almost daily for the purpose of entertaining an untiring brain. If only I could write—had the time to write—all the adventures and fantasies that play on my mental viewscreen. I have my favorites memorized, and I tweak their stories often, hoping someday to jot them down on paper. I’ve always been this way, passing the time in another world, pretending to be some extraordinary character. I have to laugh because I actually wrote a quote inspired by this truth:
“I live in two unique worlds, traveling between both with just the opening or closing of my eyes.”
~Richelle E. Goodrich
That’s me. What inspires these stories—the characters and the worlds they come from? Well... what doesn’t inspire them? In other words, just about anything can act as inspiration for me, depending upon what I’m thinking about at the moment. A mangled tree once inspired an entire book, including the type of life that dominated a fantasy world. A touching scene from a movie was what sparked the idea for my book, Dandelions.
Art seems to be a strong stimulation when it comes to sparking stories in my imagination. I believe that’s because art is so highly interpretive, which means I must draw on my own creativity to evaluate it. And once the creativity starts to flow, quite frankly there’s no stopping what develops from it.

BB & B: To what extent do your characters remind you of yourself or someone you know?

Richelle: I’m smiling at this question. I am a firm believer that there is absolutely a portion of the personality of a writer in the main character(s) he/she creates. My characters are not exactly as I am, but they most certainly do possess solid elements of ‘me-ness’ in them. They must, because it’s me imagining how they would react and respond and reply to presented stimuli. And all I have to go on is what exists within my experience; experience that has made me, me.

BB & B: If you had to pick just one story or one character of yours. Which or who would it be and why?

Richelle: Hmmmm. Pick one for what purpose? Do you want the character that entertains me the most? Or the one I most relate to? Or the one that I enjoyed creating most? Okay, let’s see…
The character that entertains me most is probably Kira the Mishmorat from my stories in the Harrowbethian Saga or "Eena" books. Kira’s personality is nervy, edgy, and spirited—traits I normally repress. She speaks at will, behaves boldly, is a striking beauty and an alluring nymph. I love how she is.

The character that I most relate to would be Annabelle Fancher in Dandelions. Not because I have ever experienced the abusive life she unfortunately endures, but because she and I both are dreamers and avid people watchers. Despite Annabelle’s youth, she makes very astute observations about her peers and many adults.

The character I most enjoyed creating would be Eena, hands down. That’s because she is me. I am her. At least that’s the way I always imagined it when I use to daydream about Eena and her other-world adventures as a high school student bored to death in class.

BB & B: Here’s another quote from Smile Anyway
, “A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, soothes the soul, and strengthens the imagination.” 
I just love your quotes. They’re inspiring and full of wisdom. I can see that you are about positivity and living up to your true calling and not giving up. Can you share with us your tips for staying positive and keeping on course? I think this can be especially challenging for those of us in the creative field.

Richelle: There are three things that help fuel my drive to succeed. The first is an easy and simple habit; I do at least one thing daily to get me nearer to my goal. On a busy day, that might mean writing just one sentence in a developing manuscript. On a lazy day I might read for research purposes or scribble out an entry on my author blog. The point is that I not allow myself to become stagnant. Doing nothing achieves nothing, therefore I take at least one step toward my goal every day, despite how tiny the step.

Next, I’ve come to realize that where dreams are concerned I have only two choices—give up or keep going. If I were to give up, that would translate into sheer failure, and I do NOT want to fail. Therefore, I’ve no other choice but to keep going, to keep striving towards those dreams.

The last habit I rely upon most heavily. I pray. I explain to my Heavenly Father what I wish to achieve, and I ask Him for inspiration, guidance, and His hand in making it possible. And I believe assuredly that He can and will help me.

BB & B: Do you have any works in progress? What can fans expect from you in the near future?

Richelle: Yes, as a matter of fact; I’m excited about this one! I’ve begun a new YA book staring a genius boy-gifted girl duo. They’re coerced by an old Mayan priest into opposing phantom villains who must be stopped at all costs or else… (Wait a minute. I probably shouldn’t give the entire story away.) Anyhow, I hope to have this work completed by the end of the year.

BB & B: Do you have any closing words you’d like to share?

Richelle: Sure, how about a quote to inspire? This one is from my recently released book, Smile Anyway:
“Never give up.
It’s like breathing—once you quit, your flame dies letting total darkness extinguish every last gasp of hope. You can’t do that. You must continue taking in even the shallowest of breaths, continue putting forth even the smallest of efforts to sustain your dreams. Don’t ever, ever, ever give up.”
Richelle E. Goodrich

Thank you Richelle for your time! Beautiful words indeed!
To get to know more about Richelle and her great works, please visit the links below:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Author Spotlight: Raani York

Raani York has been a high-volume writer for years. She has published articles, letters, short stories, poems, and continuation stories. She also writes novels, some of which can be found on her website. Her book, Dragonbride, first in the Dragon Chronicles, was recently released.

Raani was educated in Switzerland and in the U.S. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. She also obtained diplomas in Graphic Design, Color Studies, and won a prize as a Logo Designer. She speaks four languages and several dialects.

Raani York works and lives in Switzerland and the U.S. and travels often.

Next to her writing and her cats, Raani likes reading, blogging, Martial Arts, skiing, horseback riding, sky diving and enjoys playing the classical piano.

(The Dragon Chronicles, Book #1)

Shalima, “Daughter of the Light”, was born under special circumstances. She was raised by her aunts instead of her mother because she needed to be prepared to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Scriptures, which told that she was the only Magician on Earth.

Her aunts carefully prepared her for her obligations and her sacred duty. She will have to get married to the Holy Golden Dragon, the King of the Dragons, a huge Earth Dragon with magical talents. She cannot believe that she is the “Chosen One”, who has to protect the Dragon Species, all of Nature and finally the Earth. But when she turned into a teenager it seemed that the Old Scriptures were right.

Buy the Book:
Purchase on Smashwords as an Ebook for following formats:
epub, mobi, pd,f rtf, lrf ,pdb, txt, html

Purchase the kindle or paperback version on

    The mountains possessed a dark but seductive beauty, and they lay in wait for the ones who came through the Fire Hell. The powdered white peaks of the sparkling black mountain-world watched for them with longing.

    The Diamond Mountains gave the illusion of being much closer than they really were, and many a pilgrim had been lured to his death by the promise of riches hidden on their slopes. These mountains were so named because of the rough gems strewn about the black volcanic soil. When the sun shone overhead the gems made the mountains sparkle and shimmer brightly, and at night they made the moonlit mountains glow with a soft silver light.

   People, blinded by both their greed and the tantalizing glittering of the sunlit earth, imagined that there was immeasurable wealth lying there on the ground, just waiting to be picked. However, the mountains never betrayed the secrets they held. None who had ever walked those slopes could find the diamonds hidden within the black soil, for the mountains protected themselves.

    Although healthy forest still grew in the foothills, the undergrowth became sparser just a few hundred feet up, and then the treeline ended. Where stunted trees would normally grow the forest just stopped, as if some unseen hand had cut it short. All that remained were dangerously sharp, dry rocks. Just below the snowline, the rocks disappeared, and the glittering black soil took their place.

    Moreover, at the summit it seemed as if the Creator of All Things had dusted the peaks of the fissured mountain range with powdered sugar, for they were covered with a deceptively soft-looking, yet extremely sharp-edged eternal snow.

    The mountains never betrayed their secrets...
   And if a wanderer were to climb those peaks, going up to the Fire Hell and searching to quench his thirst at a splashing mountain spring, he would find no cool, refreshing water. Instead, these living mountains would seek to frighten him by shrouding the ground with a mysterious fog that made it impossible to see where he was putting his feet. Pilgrims sometimes drowned in the sulfurous pools of water hidden within the hellish rocks when the fog appeared, and if they left the main trails, they would know true fear, for they would be led down treacherous sidepaths that seemed to take them somewhere, yet actually led them nowhere but to their doom.

   The mountains never betrayed their secrets...
   Though many thought they would find the cool relief of the shadows by early evening, the ascent would continue for another three torturous days. During those three days, their throats would scream for water, and their eyes would tear up in the swirling sand. Blown up by the hot desert winds, the sand burned as it fell upon a traveler's face and skin. Eventually their limbs would become heavy, and they would barely be able to move; thus, the wanderers would be forced to crawl on, farther and farther, until sheer luck eventually brought them to civilization... to people.

   In a canyon between two hills below the mountain range there was a village. It had no official name, but the people living there called it Alpcateçu, which meant Oasis of the Mountains. Anyone who wanted to climb the mountains had to pass through the village. A few taverns and inns surrounded the village fountain, where a market was sometimes held.
   Some houses and huts had been built in the wide hills and even at the edge of the forest... and in one such place, hidden within the woods, almost four hundred feet past the deepest thicket and connected to the village only by a sidepath lay the place in which I had been born.

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Author Spotlight: Mignon Supnet

This month, I would like to introduce a young writer who has published a non-fiction book that will speak to your spirit. Whether writing fiction or non-fiction, or just spending time sharpening her author skills, Mignon Supnet has found heartfelt reward in the journey. Read on!

- Hi, Mignon!  Would you mind telling us a little bit about yourself?  Where were you born and raised?   

Hi Richelle.  Thank you for having me here.
I was born in Philippines and I did most of my growing up in Sparks, Nevada.

- How did you get your start in writing?  Was it a life-long passion or a more recently developed talent?

I’ve always enjoyed writing.  For the longest time, writing was a way I could escape, by pouring my heart into my journals. I found that for me, writing was easier than speaking.  Words would flow from pen to paper and it felt like a release. 

But… I think that as an author, my writing is still developing.  I consider myself a complete newbie and I’m finding that it’s not just about putting words together and writing whatever you want, there is a craft to writing for the masses and I’m busy learning and sharpening those skills.

- What genre and audience do you typically write for? 

My first book was non-fiction—about Spirituality.  It’s a self-account of my journey, but also a reference for other people finding themselves waking up to a new… perspective J.  

- Could you give us a list of your books and a short description? 

It’ll be a quick list J  I just have one so far.  Here it is!

Spirit 101: An Overview for Beginner Seekers into the World of New Age Spirituality

The book is an account of my experiences and what I’ve learned going through this process of ‘waking up.’ The shifts I’ve been through have been so pivotal, but also laced with a lot of frustration that I wanted to share what I’ve learned  and discovered. 
My hope for the book is to make the journey easier for someone going through the same things I did.

Where can this title be found for purchase?

- Since you’ve put your work out there for others to read and enjoy, what has been your most rewarding experience?

I got an email from a reader and she thanked me for writing the book.  She shared that she’d also lost her father and could understand and relate to everything I was talking about in the book. 

Her words were so heartfelt, and I was so deeply touched. It felt like an angel had been sent to me. It really lifted me up during a time when I was seriously questioning my abilities…  

- Who would you cite as an influence on your writing style?   Do you have a best-loved novel?

I love JK Rowling’s writing and I wish I could write like her.

 I completely fell in love with Harry Potter and his entire world.  I love how I felt I was part of everything in that story.  I wasn’t just reading it, I was experiencing everything—the sights, the smells, the awe and wonder of it all.  It had me going on many sleepless nights trying to finish ‘just one more page.’

As far as influence, I would say that my biggest influence is my best friend—NANCY BROOKS.  She’s an author as well and she’s always encouraging me about my own voice and style. She also coaches me, shows me tips, and gets me past my writing blocks by acting as my sounding board.  She’s awesome!

- Any projects planned for the near future that you can share to perk our interest?

As of now, I’m taking a step away from non-fiction writing.  However, I do have this nagging want to do an Angel book in the future, but the time isn’t quite right yet.

In the meantime, I’ve entered into fiction writing and I’m having a blast.  My mind is constantly on overtime thinking about the story I’m building and I’m loving having this other world to go to.  It is so much fun!

- I have to throw in my own curious question; do you have a favorite quote? 

Someone once told me that ‘everything we’re going through now, is only to get us prepared for our better future.’ I think about this advice/quote a lot and it has gotten me through some difficult times.

The quote is reassuring and keeps me going.

All the good, bad, and ugly that I’ve seen and experienced are the very things that will take me into my better future and I can’t wait!     

- Thanks so much for your time, Mignon, and best of luck with your writing endeavours.  Is there a way for any interested parties to keep informed about your accomplishments as an author?  Do you maintain a website or an author blog?

 Ooh, yes. Thank you for asking.  My primary site is Books, Blogs, and Bits where I like to post author interviews and other highlights. Eventually I may start to include reviews, but I just haven’t had a lot of time to read, now that I’m spending most of my free time, writing.
I really believe in supporting other authors and artists of all mediums and I’m honoured whenever I can feature an interview.

I also have Mignon’s Place, where I post more personal thoughts and experiences and where I like to give out free downloads whenever I can J

Here are the links:
Books, Blogs, and Bits:
Mignon’s Place:

- Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

Becoming a writer has… I can’t explain it, but it feels like, I’ve grown and come alive in ways I didn’t even realize that I needed/wanted.  I have had awesome opportunities like this interview, that I would have never had before!

If there is anyone else out there, contemplating becoming a writer, an author, or pursuing another dreams, do yourself a favour and listen to your heart. Give your dreams a chance and see what happens.   

I just want to say THANK YOU.  This has been such a great experience!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Eena, The Curse of Wanyaka Cave by Richelle E. Goodrich

Eena, The Curse of Wanyaka Cave

by Richelle E. Goodrich

Giveaway ends April 10, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Author Spotlight: Sonny Goten

This month, I would like to introduce a mysterious writer who has produced a number of books ranging in genre--from horror/thriller to fantasy to poetry.  Whether working on her own or in collaboration with other writers, Sonny Goten is enthusiastic about her work.  Read on!

Hi, Sonny!  Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?  Where were you born and raised?   

Ah, that’s the first question always being asked. Unfortunately, I’m writing under a pseudonym for a reason, so I apologize but I won’t reveal too much about my identity. Besides that, there is also the question of what is there that I can say that could be of interest.

I’m in my early twenties and at the moment I’m studying Social Sciences. Also, I was raised bilingual, but English was not one of the languages I grew up with, even though my books are all written in this language. No, my journey towards acquiring English was most perilous. I was, of course, taught English at school, but I mainly learned from the TV by watching lots and lots of English dubbed anime (mainly Dragonball Z) with subtitles as a child. So, you see, my first English words were not “How are you?” or “My name is so-and-so.” No, the first things I learned were more akin to “You‘re dead, Kakarot!” and “His power levels are over nine-thousand!” I can almost imagine what my teacher at school must have thought, haha!
As you can see, my life cannot be called in any way extraordinary. In fact, its mundane course might probably have been one of the main reasons why I started writing in the first place.

How did you get involved in writing?  Has it been a life-long passion or is it a more recently developed talent?

I started to write when I learned of fan fiction actually. I came across about ten years ago, read some fics, decided that I liked them and started writing my own. Since then, I have mostly pulled away from writing fan fiction, because I wished to broaden my horizon and create my own characters. My old fics can still be found on the internet somewhere, but I’d rather you didn’t look for them, because I wrote them a long time ago when I was young and my command over the English language was… well, quite frankly, atrocious does not begin to describe it.

What genre and audience do you typically write for?  Or does that vary by project?

I must confess, I do not write for an audience, I write mainly for my own pleasure. Of course, any writer who decides to publish his or her work , whether for sale or for free, seeks acknowledgement of some sort, and I am really no different in this respect. But I don’t adapt my style to suit a certain type of reader’s taste. Nor do I confine myself to a single genre. So, yes, I suppose my writings do vary by project, but it depends on my mood as well.

There is one thing that each of the books I published on Amazon and Smashwords (the two places where I put my works up for sale) have in common, however. None of them have a clearly defined HEA. The stories are ambiguous and end either tragically or ‘happy from a certain point of view’ depending on characters‘ perspective and/or reader’s interpretation.

Could you give us a list of your books and a short description of each?

A Game of Keys: This novella is a horror/thriller with certain sci-fi overtones and my very first published project. Similar to the movie ‘Saw’ my main character Connor has been locked up in a room (which is where almost the entire story takes place) and needs to find a way out. In my story, the kidnapper threatens to rape Connor if he can’t find a way out after a certain amount of time. Connor, however, does not give up easily and tries to figure out his kidnapper’s identity, but things get strange quickly from there…

Letters to an Imaginary Friend: This novella is a collection of poetry. The epistolary poems together form a dark story of three friends sliding off into the wrong direction when love and jealousy comes into the picture. The story begins when things have already gone wrong and M., one of the friends, denounces God as an imaginary friend in the first poem, hence the title of the novella.

Cross: This is actually a collection of three very short horror stories that are also included in the updated paperback edition (January 7, 2013) of ‘Letters to an Imaginary Friend’. The main point of Cross is actually to simply convey a certain type of mood. The first story, also titled ‘Cross’, is about a girl taking revenge on her sworn enemy, who is very close to her. The second story ‘Brother Joshua’ is about a monk finding love in a most disturbing way. The third story ’Key’ is about a woman finding another world.

The Fire of Mars: This novel is a collaboration between myself and several other writers. The story actually started off as a round-robin RPG of a sorts on which I revised and edited into a novel. The novel is set in 29 AD in Jerusalem but takes great liberty with the historical facts and is peppered with fantasy elements in order to suit the supernatural side that is at play in the story. The story is about the entwined fates of an orphan girl named Hexia, a priest’s daughter called Rachel, a terrorist who calls himself Wrath, and a sex slave who’s named Mau-Iwiw when they struggle for  the power of the Fire Staff.

Where can these titles be found for purchase?

As I said before, I publish my e-books via Amazon and through Smashwords. Smashwords also distributes to other major e-book sellers, such as Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, Apple iBookstore, etc. (Well, just take a look at their website to see for yourself!)

The Fire of Mars is not available at Smashwords yet, I’m still busy editing that edition in order for it to pass through the meat grinder and it will take a while.

Also, all the paperbacks are available at CreateSpace where I publish them. CreateSpace is a daughter company of Amazon, so all the paperbacks are of course also available at Amazon.

Whats been the most rewarding occurrence since youve put your work out there for others to read and enjoy?

Hmm… it’s the feedback from readers, really. It allows me to know whether people liked it or not, and what could perhaps have improved where. Feedback is so important to a writer, I think, because it’s the only way we can know if we did it right or not. Without feedback how can a writer learn? How can (s)he and grow? So, I enjoy the reviews and the emails I’ve gotten from my readers. Even if it’s just a one-word-comment, it’s still a form of interaction, which makes every one of them precious and worth the effort!

Who would you cite as an influence on your writing style?  Any favorite authors?  Do you have a most-loved novel?

There are many great authors and great novels out there, so it’s hard to pick The One. However, lately I’ve been really getting into a fellow self-publisher. Her penname is S. U. Pacat and she’s published two volumes from her Captive Prince trilogy through Amazon not so long ago, her second volume ending with a major cliff hanger, so I’ve been getting really hyped up over this story again, because I’m so curious about how it will continue and how it will end!

I stumbled upon Captive Prince when it was still a free online fic, and I really loved it. I especially loved how Pacat wrote her character called Laurent, the way the political machinations are woven into this world, and how the characters lie and speak with double meanings so easily and convincingly. Reading all the carefully crafted motives behind every character’s action  really did influence me and made me look at my own writings in a different light.

 What projects do you have planned for the near future?  Anything you can share to perk our interest?

There are plans on the table for a sequel to The Fire of Mars which will take place around 50 years later. Our RPG team has written out a lot of material that can be used, and I’m really enthusiastic about this story, but I‘m not in the habit of making promises, so nothing is definite until the book is published.

I have to throw in my own curious questions; Do you have a favorite quote?  Color?  Character from any book? 

Character from any book? Do you really want me to rant more about Laurent?
Color? Blue, I guess? All my jeans are blue. And Laurent’s eyes too…
Let’s not do the quotes, before my current obsession becomes too apparent here. Hahaha!

Thanks so much for your time, Sonny, and best of luck with your writing endeavours.  Is there a way for any interested parties to keep informed about your accomplishments as an author?  Do you maintain a website or blog?

 You can find me here: (I use my twitter to rant, so not everything I post there will be about my books, nor will it all be in English.)

 Is there anything else you would like to share?

I must confess I used to be a major slash/yaoi fan, so even though it’s not something that I focus on, you may see streaks of that back into my work. Also, I’m an anime fan (the whole part in this interview dedicated to Dragonball Z might have given that one away…).