Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Thursday, March 23, 2023

My Newest Book Release and What I am Working on Now


“Vengeance would have us assault an enemy's pride to beat him down. But vengeance hides a dangerous truth, for a humbled foe gains patience, courage, strength, and greater determination.”

― Richelle E. Goodrich, The Tarishe Curse

Remember, you can sign up to receive my periodic newsletter on my author website.

RELEASED: The Tarishe Curse
     It took twelve years in the making, but my newest book, The Tarishe Curse is finally complete and up for sale on Amazon. What started out as an attempt to entertain a friend with a short story for Hallows Eve turned into yearly chapter-additions that eventually amounted to one thrilling novel-length tale. Chapter one of the book is the original short story, which was written back in October of 2012. I gave that story to my friend, Cathie Duvall (a huge fan of Halloween) and she quickly read it. Then she asked an unexpected question: "What happens next?"
     Uh... well... I honestly had no plans for the tale to continue. But Cathie made a few suggestions that sparked my interest, and on that day a new tradition was born. Every Halloween from 2012 to 2018, I posted new installments of The Tarishe Curse online for anyone to read. It was a fun exercise for me because my normal writing process is to plan out a book from beginning to end. If I do not like the ending, I will not write the book. This tale, however, had no sure ending in sight. I simply dreamt up a new chapter to attach to the evolving tale every year, usually around September. Then, I posted the new installment near Halloween.
     It was in 2019 that I realized the story had grown into a novel-length manuscript in need of a good ending. That was the real challenge: wrapping up all the plot twists and character plights so I could thread every part of the tale into one culminating finale. Oh, it was a creative test to bring it altogether when I honestly had no idea what the ending would be. Normally, I am certain of the final chapters before I choose to write a story, so this make-it-up-as-you-go style was uncomfortable for me, to say the least. But I did it! And I am well-pleased with Duvalla's fate.
     Where can you get a copy of the book? Great question! Right now, The Tarishe Curse is available in kindle, paperback, and hardcover formats on Amazon. I hope you get a chance to read and enjoy my thrilling tale, and if you do... please, leave a positive rating and a short review on Amazon and Goodreads. It truly does help sell more copies. Thank you so much!

The Tarishe Curse is available in kindle, paperback, and hardcover formats on

SUMMARY: A thrilling piece of fiction from the Queen of Werefolk’s point of view. It is difficult enough for Duvalla and Kresh to protect their young family in a world of Hallows Eve creatures, but this feat proves near impossible when an old witch bent on vengeance against the werewolves casts a Tarishe curse that manipulates both heart and mind. The battle is not only with a sword but an internal struggle—a fight to love the ones that Duvalla has sworn under a spell to hate, and to hate the one who through evil enchantment manipulates her heart.

What am I working on now?

With my latest book,  The Tarishe Curse,  finished and available for readers, I am now  spending my time writing additional poetry to include in a book of original poems. The working title for this book is  A Heart Made of Tissue Paper. Expect a publication date of August 13th, 2023. That's my goal!
     Following is a poem from that upcoming book

To rise up at dawn
or to slumber ‘til noon,
with nowhere to be,
none too late, none too soon.
To laze like a cat
in the shade of a tree,
with naught on my list
but a nap after tea.
To soak up the sun
on a summery day,
with nothing to do
besides fish in the bay.
To stew in the bath
among bubbles of silk,
with never a care
but to sip on warm milk.
To sleep when I choose
on a feathery bed,
with naught on my mind,
only dreams in my head.
To share days gone by
in repeated old tales,
that few stop to hear
but the dolphins and whales.

                                       —Copyright 2023 Richelle E. Goodrich

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Glancing Back, Looking Forward to 2023

 A Decade of Change: Me in 2012 and again in 2022

     At the beginning of a new year, it is traditional to take a good, long look over my shoulder at things I both accomplished and survived in prior years. As I have stated in the past, I prefer to shine a spotlight on my books rather than on my personal life, but 2022 has been one event-filled year for me, so I don't mind sharing a few of the bigger moments. 
        My eldest son graduated in June with a Masters of Science in Software Engineering. Big accomplishment! My middle son was accepted into the mechanical engineering major program at his university. He is working hard to pass those difficult classes. My youngest son returned to school to pursue his degree. He is close to finishing. He also proposed to his girlfriend (now fiancĂ©e) on the steps of the Nashville Parthenon. How exciting! My father, unfortunately, suffered some health problems this past year including a case of Covid. He has since healed and is regaining his strength with the aid of physical therapy. 
        The biggest change in 2022 was my own. After three years of dating a wonderful man, I married him in August. My new husband is a kind, gentle, supportive, noble, fun-loving person who enjoys reading. Ours was a long-distance relationship (never an easy way to date) but he won me over by reading books to me over the phone. Not only does he read aloud, he does voices! Yes, I fell for a storyteller. Before the wedding, I spent two months packing up my house, then sold it, and finally moved across the country to live in a new city that has proven to be quite friendly. It certainly has been a year of big personal change and positive growth. 
         What about my writing goals? It is hard to believe a decade has gone by since I published my first book, Eena, The Dawn and Rescue. I love that story. It recounts the adventures of a young girl destined to rule a strange but fascinating nation. It was my debut novel as well as a unique learning opportunity. Since then, I have gained a great deal of knowledge about the writing process, and I have grown markedly as a novelist and poet.
         What began as a challenge to compose a single book became the catalyst for an unanticipated love of storytelling. Eena, The Dawn and Rescue was quickly followed by a second book that continued along the same storyline. Then came book three, followed by yet another. It still amazes me how I was able to write an entire six-book saga within a four-year period! Absolutely not my initial goal!
         After completing the Harrowbethian Saga, I branched out to try my hand at comprising original quotes, thoughts, and poetry for every day of the year. Smile Anyway was the result, and it turned out to be a bigger success than expected. The shocking surprise was finding my book quotes reprinted in news articles as well as in various other books. And not just a few! It has been a thrill to see my quotes scroll by on websites, reprinted in an Oxford Philosophy: Being Human course book and in seven different Chicken Soup for the Soul books, and even shared on a tv episode of Alone. What a treat! 
         With the success of Smile Anyway, I went on to write three additional quote/poetry/short-story books for my sons as high school graduation gifts: Making Wishes, Slaying Dragons, and Being Bold. Part of the gift included 50% of the royalties from the sale of every book. Not a bad way to help out struggling college students.
         As much as I love fantasy and science fiction, I have always admired the great novelists, my personal favorite being Victor Hugo. It stood to reason that I would challenge myself to write a stand-alone novel with both dramatic and tragic elements. Dandelions: The Disappearance of Annabelle Fancher was the result of this endeavor. Composing Annabelle's story caused me many tearful moments; her story was not easy to tell. I doubt it can be read with a dry eye or a callous heart. The book was designed to stir up feelings of shock, anger, and dismay for the cruel and unjust situations so often overlooked in society. Writing Dandelions was an emotional trial as much as it was a writing challenge, which is why I wrote a lighthearted tale to accompany the novel. Secrets of a Noble Key Keeper is a short, fun fairy tale all ages will enjoy.
         Last year, I published my thirteenth book, entirely unique from my previous writings. The Tarishe Curse was originally meant to be a simple short story for a friend who loves All Hallows Eve. But as my friend asked questions about what happens next, I was obliged to come up with a new chapter every Halloween. After so many years of adding chapters, one by one, it became apparent that a book was ready and waiting to be completed. The hardest part was devising an ending that wrapped up the whole crazy ordeal! It took some creativity, but it gave me an idea for a backstory about one formidable character in the book. Something to look forward to in the future!
         Another thing I like to do every New Years is compare my starting numbers on social media with any growth. It motivates me to see improvement. Be it slow or small, progress is progress! Increases in followers, book sales, ratings & reviews, internet posts, and/or loyal readers is forward movement toward my goals.  



Ten years ago, 8 people considered my writing inspiring enough to call themselves a fan or follower on Goodreads. 


Today, 250 people now follow me on Goodreads. Thank you!

Ten years ago, 40 people liked my most popular book quote on Goodreads out of thirty quotes posted at the time.


Today, my most popular quote on Goodreads has 409 likes out of the 1,678 original quotes posted. Wow! I guess I have a lot to say.


Ten years ago, I started with 3 Twitter followers. 


Today, I have 2,295Thank you too!


Six years ago, my author website had 13,552 visits. 


Today, my author website has had 27,232 visits (and counting.) Nice!


Six years ago, 441 people followed my Facebook author page. 


Today, 921 people follow my Facebook author page.

Six years ago, 397 followed my Instagram.


Today, 596 follow my Instagram page.

Six years ago, 41 followed me on Tumblr. 


Today, 124 follow me on Tumbler. Slow and steady progress.


     As I have said many times, I am indeed grateful for my readers and supporters. Thank you for purchasing my books. Thank you for leaving kind reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and other websites where my books are sold; it helps more than you know. Thank you for telling friends and acquaintances about my written works. I am grateful to live in a day and place where I have the privilege of educational opportunities, writing opportunities, and self-publishing opportunities. What a magnificent blessing! No matter how slow or fast the progress, I am accomplishing my goals, and that makes me happy.

Happy New Year 2023! 

Friday, December 31, 2021

The Journey Continues in 2022

     Can you believe nine years have passed since I published my very first book, Eena, The Dawn and Rescue ? It was a dream come true that took two years of initial writing, then editing, followed by a cover illustration, and finally work with a publisher. I was elated the day I held the first printed copy in my hands. I was an actual published author! 

     Soon after, I turned to social media sites to introduce myself and my book to the world. It was great fun gaining new followers little by little over time. Since then, I have received messages and emails from readers about my stories and quotes, not to mention questions from fellow authors about their works in progress. This journey still continues, and it is an exciting one.

     Many quotes from my written works have been posted on memes and media sites for people to enjoy. Some of my quotes have been reprinted in various books including multiple versions of Chicken Soup for the Soul and in an Oxford Philosophy: Being Human course book. One quote was used in a Revlon ad magazine campaign, and another was televised on an opening scene of the tv program, Alone, on the History channel. That was a thrill!

     At the end of each year, I like to look back and compare my starting numbers with present-day numbers such as likes and followers from various places. Progress, even a little, is encouraging. I have learned to appreciate the steady increase in sales, online posts, and loyal readers. So here goes another year of reflection...

Nine years ago, 40 people liked my most popular book quote on Goodreads out of about thirty quotes posted at the time. 
Five years ago, my most popular quote reached 237 likes (out of 977 posted.)  
Today, my most popular quote on Goodreads has 393 likes out of 1,667 quotes posted there. I love it!

Nine years ago, 8 people considered my writing inspiring enough to call themselves a fan or follower on Goodreads. 
Five years ago, the number reached 149
Today, 240 people follow me as fans on Goodreads. Thank you!

Nine years ago, I started with 3 followers on Twitter. 
Five years ago, that number increased to 887
Today, I have 2,337 Twitter followers. Thank you again!

Five years ago13,552 visits were made to my author website. 
Today, my author website has had 20,660 visits (and counting.) Yay!

Five years ago, 441 people followed my Facebook author page, 397 followed me on Instagram, and 41 followed me on Tumblr. 
Today918 people follow my Facebook author page, 562 follow my Instagram page, and 208 follow me on Tumbler. 

     Slow and steady progress. I am grateful for it.

     From my first book published in April of 2012, eleven others have followed: a six-book series titled the Harrowbethian Saga; Dandelions, a novel accompanied by a short fairytale; and four motivational books that give readers an original quote/poem/story for every day of the year. Book thirteen will soon follow, a Hallows Eve werewolf adventure titled The Tarishe Curse. I have to say, this is my dream coming true, and I am grateful for every step forward.


     I want to add a big THANK YOU to all who have supported me in my writing endeavors. Thanks for purchasing my books, thanks for sharing my books with others, and thanks for leaving kind comments and reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and other websites where my books are sold. It really helps! 

     2021 was a difficult year in personal ways, and I did not get as much writing done as I had hoped. 2022, however, is a fresh chance to make new goals and put pen to paper. I suppose you could say... 
This year, I survived.
Next year, I will thrive! 

Happy New Year, all,
and best of luck on your own personal 2022 goals!

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

New Writing Goals

     This last New Year's Eve, I jotted down a few goals to accomplish, which of course include eating healthier and writing significantly more; those are ongoing. I am presently working on a story I started a few years back--a Hallows Eve short story that, year-by-year, has evolved into a book. My goal is to finish writing the entire book and then illustrate a beautiful cover before publishing this magical tale about the cursed Queen of Werefolk. Look for the complete story of The Tarishe Curse in 2022. It will be a truly epic treat!

Book Summary:

A thrilling piece of fiction from the Queen of Werefolk's point of view. It is challenging enough for Duvalla and Kresh to protect their young family in a world of Hallows Eve creatures, but such a feat proves near impossible when a witch bent on vengeance against the werewolves casts a Tarishe curse that manipulates both heart and mind. The fight is not only with the sword but an internal struggle to love the ones Duvalla has sworn under a spell to hate, and hate the one who through evil enchantment manipulates her heart.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Looking Back, I See Progress

    Eight years ago, I published my first book, Eena, The Dawn and Rescue

  It was a huge accomplishment for me. A dream that I worked hard to make a reality. At the time my book debuted, I introduced myself on social media. It was exciting to gain followers and receive feedback on my work. It was a surprise to discover quotes from my book and later books printed in magazines, newsletters, and on various social sites. it was touching to hear from individuals who told me my words influenced their lives. 

     Over the past eight years I have been blessed to have my book quotes appear in a variety of places, including in seven plus versions of Chicken Soup for the Soul, in an Oxford Philosophy: Being Human course book, in a Revlon ad magazine campaign, and on an opening scene of the television program, Alone. What a thrill!

     I enjoy looking back to compare the starting numbers with present numbers. It is motivating to see progress. I have learned to appreciate the slow and steady increase in followers, book sales, internet posts, and loyal readers.  On the brink of a new year, one in which I place great expectations, it seems like the perfect time for personal reflection. So here goes...

Eight years ago, 40 people liked my most popular book quote on Goodreads. I had about thirty quotes on Goodreads at the time. 
Four years ago, my most popular quote reached 237 likes (out of 977 posted on Goodreads.)  
Today, my most popular quote on Goodreads has 371 likes, and there are now1,665 of my book quotes posted on Goodreads. Wow! I guess I have a lot to say.

Eight years ago, 8 people considered my writing inspiring enough to call themselves a fan or follower on Goodreads. 
Four years ago, the number reached 149
Today, 228 people now follow me as fans on Goodreads. Thank you!

Eight years ago, I started out with 3 followers on Twitter. 
Four years ago, that number increased to 887
Today, I have 2,294 Twitter followers. Thank you too!

Four years ago, 13,552 visits were made to my author website. 
Today, my author website has had 20,089 visits (and counting.) Yay!

Four years ago, 441 people followed my Facebook author page, 397 followed me on Instagram, and 41 followed me on Tumblr. 
Today, 581 people follow my Facebook author page, 466 follow my Instagram page, and 155 follow me on Tumbler. Slow and steady progress.

From the first book I published in April of 2012, eleven other self-published books have followed: a six-book saga titled the Harrowbethian Saga, a Novel with an  accompanying short fairytale, and four motivational books that give readers an original quote/poem/story for every day of the year. I love this stuff!

     I am grateful to all who have supported me as a poet and novelist. Thank you for purchasing my books. Thank you for leaving kind comments and reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and other websites where my books are sold--it really helps. Thank you for telling friends and acquaintances about my written works. 

     2021 promises to be a perfect year for writing. It may not be lightning fast, but I am clearly moving closer to reaching my goals as a writer. I can see it as I look back at my progress.

Happy New Year, all, 

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Month of May —The Month of Me

I was thinking back over the past few months, savoring a sweet mix of relief, joy, and fulfillment at having finally published an entire young adult series. On April 26th, the last book in my Harrowbethian Saga was released. Not only did I write and edit this entire six-book adventure, I illustrated the covers and self-published the crazy story. It was more than I initially set out to do. Now that it's finished, I can hardly stop gazing at the completed saga sitting on my bookshelf. Who knew I had it in me to do something this big? 

Honestly, if you had suggested that I attempt such a feat when I first set out to write a single book, I would have crinkled my nose and thought you were signing me up for a climbing hike where the goal was to reach the end of a rainbow. Yet here I am, basking under the colorful lights where an illusive rainbow has touched ground in my life. An enormous sense of satisfaction comes from accomplishing something so challenging. This truth got me thinking today.

There are other things I would love to accomplish. There are personal attributes I would like to improve upon, goals I long to finally reach, and certain wishes I hope to someday see come true. Most of these goals involve only me, my dreams. I have set them aside numerous times for the sake of priorities. They call this sort of patient procrastination a form of selflessness. They call it being mature and responsible. I don't regret the sacrifices I have made for the benefit of worthwhile people and causes, but I am growing older and feel my determination increasing with age. With my boys reaching adulthood, I find I have greater amounts of time to myselfas well as less time left on this planetwhich makes me think that now is when I can and should invest in my own dreams. 

Silly thingI was thinking about how tomorrow is the month of May, a new month, a new beginning, another stretch of springtime where many things are born and blossoming and sprouting from seed. I had the thought that this should be my month to concentrate on improving certain attributes about myself. Things I want to improve. It should be the month of me. Yes, a month all about me. Not in a selfish, irresponsible, ignore-the-needs-of-others sort of way, but in a growing, developing, mending, and moving-closer-in-line-with-the-person-I-visualize-myself-to-be sort of way. It is possible and it is productive to concentrate on yourself unselfishlyas paradoxical as it sounds. 

So this is my goal. The month of May will be the month of Me. I expect great things from myself. The way I see it, any lady who can write an entire six-book, young adult series must have some magic and muchness in her. Wish me luck. I have things to do.

Friday, April 26, 2019

The End of a Saga—I Miss Them Already

     The final book in my young adult series, the Harrowbethian Saga, has been released as a treat for the imaginations of all avid readers. This day has been a very, very long time coming. For me as a writer, it is a momentous and emotional occasion. I have spent the past twelve years creating the most incredible adventure, which stars the young Queen Eena of Harrowbeth. I have come to know in-depth and personally a host of diverse characters—both friends and foes—who lived together in my mind, laughing, groaning, encouraging, taunting, comforting, and often crying with me.

     On many days, these wonderful characters were the motivation pushing me forward to tell their story. And though it often took stolen moments in a grocery-store checkout line or during lulls at my place of work or in the quiet, late hours of the night, I finally did what they dared me to do: I completed the last heartfelt chapter in their saga.

     It is done.

     So why am I overwhelmed with such joy and melancholy at the same time? I think I know why. Because I will miss my dear friends of so many years. Yes, I will miss Sha Eena’s young, determined, impetuous nature and Derian’s strict, authoritarian personality that could only be tempered by Eena. I will miss Ian, the queen’s dutiful yet jesting protector. I will miss Shanks and his crew of overgrown warriors who laughed like children when in leisure circumstances. I will certainly miss Kira, the spotted Mishmorat whose spirit could never be broken. And I will even miss the self-indulgent and annoying Edgarmetheus whose heart does indeed possess some warped sense of goodness.

     I spent this past weekend reading my book again for the umpteenth time, and I loved every minute of it. Despite knowing how it ends, I laughed and I cheered and I cried a river of tears. You will too. It is a satisfying ending that will leave you contentedly lost in wonder. So after you finish reading the final pages and you naturally continue onto further dreamed adventures with Eena and her companions—oh, be good to them. They are my dear friends.
I miss them already.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Looking Back

   Six years ago, I published my first book. I'll admit, holding that smooth paperback copy in my hands, thumbing through the printed pages, was a thrilling experience. I could hardly keep from smiling knowing that every word comprised my own original story. 

     At that same time, I introduced myself on social media. I felt a burst of excitement with every new follower, and I learned to appreciate the slow and steady increase in book sales and internet posts and interviews and every other small event that helped me as a poet and novelist.  

Sometimes it is fun to look back and see how far you've come. Today, on the brink of a new year, it seems like the perfect time for such personal reflection. So here goes.

Six years ago, 40 people "liked" my most popular book quote on Goodreads. Two years ago that number reached 237 "likes." Today, my most popular book quote on Goodreads has 310 "likes."

Six years ago, 8 people considered my writing good enough to call themselves a fan or follower on Goodreads. Two years ago, the number reached 149. Today, 206 people follow me on Goodreads.

Six years ago, I started out with 3 followers on Twitter. Two years ago, that number increased to 887. Today, 1849 people follow me on Twitter.

Other accomplishments include 13,552 visits people have made to my author website, 441 followers on my Facebook author page, 397 followers on my Instagram page, and 122 followers on my Tumblr page. 

From that first book published in April of 2012, nine others have followed. 

I am grateful to all who have supported me as a poet and author. Thank you for purchasing my books. Thank you for leaving kind comments and reviews at Amazon, Goodreads, and other sites where books are sold. Thank you for telling your friends and acquaintences about my works. 

2019 promises to be a good year for writing. Slowly but steadily, I am moving closer to my goal of finding real success as a poet and novelist. Sometimes it is consoling to look back and clearly see that.

Happy New Year, all!

You can follow me on the following social sites: