Friday, April 28, 2017

Slaying Dragons Week―Day 4

Welcome to day four of "Slaying Dragons Week" in which I am celebrating my newly-released book, Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year. I am sharing daily quotes from the book this week, as well as a bit of trivia regarding the making of it. Here is the quote for today:

“Everything in the world that happens to you may be someone else's doing; I'll grant you that. But what you do with it, how you react to it, what you make of yourself in the midst of it all—that's totally you.” 

Did you know that this book is the third I have written of its kind? Two collections of my original quotes and poetry precede it. The first is Smile Anyway, dedicated to my sister. The second is Making Wishes, dedicated to my eldest son. In total, all three amount to over 1,000 daily inspirations! A fairly decent accomplishment, if I do say so myself!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Slaying Dragons Week―Day 3

Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

This is day three of "Slaying Dragons Week" in which I am celebrating a big accomplishment―my new book. It is a wonderful collection of original quotes, poetry, and short stories for every day of the year. In honor of “Slaying Dragons Week,” I am sharing a daily quote from the book, as well as a bit of trivia relating to the making of it. Here is the quote for today:

“There are tomorrows on their way worth the struggles of today. Never give up.”

Did you know that I wrote this book almost entirely on sticky notes? Yes, it is true! Authors are constantly writing in their heads, and I am no exception. While at my day job, I frequently reach for sticky notes to jot down poetic lines and insightful human truths as well as story ideas that form in my mind, often at inopportune times. But to fail to record a "muse moment" often results in losing it forever! Not worth the risk!

Now that the book is done and published, I have a substantial collection of quotes and poetry scribbled on sticky notes that altogether form the raw, unedited makings of Slaying Dragons. I think I will keep the collection and maybe hand it down to my children someday.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Slaying Dragons Week―Day 2

Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

I am celebrating this week in honor of my newly-released collection of original quotes, poetry, and short stories. Part of "Slaying Dragons Week" includes sharing a daily quote from the book as well as a bit of trivia relating to the making of it. Here is the quote for today:

"My soul, I’ve found, has puppet strings
to make me droop or give me wings.
And music is the puppeteer
that turns my ear to hear." 

Did you know that every quote, poem, and story in this book was based on events and experiences in my own life? I suppose you could call it a journal of sorts, filled with personal insights as well as lessons learned. Most of the motivational quotes were written for me as encouragement to keep climbing towards my goals. Every entry has a personal story that inspired it.

For example, the poem above was written after I had gone for weeks without listening to music. Having a lot on my mind, I made my drives in silence and carried out my chores without what I felt was "noise distraction". Then one day in the car, I turned on my music. I experienced such an intense emotional reaction to the music, that it entirely lightened my mood. I felt less burdened with cares. I felt happier than I had for weeks. I understood right then the power music has to sway our moods, even affect our physical being. I began again to listen to the kind of music that put a smile on my face and a hop in my step. From this experience, the above poem developed.

So remember, when you read Slaying Dragons there is more behind the words than you know.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Slaying Dragons Week―Day 1

Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

I dub this week "Slaying Dragons Week" in honor of my newly-released book. I will be sharing a quote a day from the book all week long, as well as a bit of trivia relating to the making of this book. Here is the quote for today:

"There are trials in life that feel as tremendous as a quest to slay dragons. These trials are daunting. They require hard work, determination, and courage. But when the dragon is finally slain, the relief is immense."

Did you know that this book was two years in the making? It was written as a graduation present for my second son who graduated from both high school and a local two-year college. He loves dragons and has painted one every year for entry in the summer fair.

I am very proud of my son's accomplishments; it is quite a feat to earn a high school diploma and a college AA degree at the same time! Along with dedicating this book to him, I have promised him 50% of the royalties to go towards furthering his college education. So remember, a purchase of Slaying Dragons on (kindle, paperback, or hardcover) helps support a struggling college student!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Slaying Dragons

An inspirational and entertaining book 
designed to be used on a day-to-day basis. Curious?

Richelle E. Goodrich

Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year is the next in a collection of inspirational books by American author and novelist, Richelle E. Goodrich. In the same style as Smile Anyway and Making Wishes, Slaying Dragons offers readers original daily quotes, poems, and an occasional story. Ponder meaningful quotes like the popular following:

"There are tomorrows on their way worth the struggles of today. Never give up."

“I can overlook the lie; what's harder to ignore is the grotesque way it has marred your character.”

“Too often we let others stamp a price tag on us and we accept their appraisal of our worth, forgetting we are in fact priceless."

“When you love someone, you don’t care that she ate your sandwich. You only hope she found it delicious.”

“Habits grow like dragons if you feed them.”

This book was written to entertain, inspire, and motivate individuals on a daily basis.

Slaying Dragons is available in

And your thought for the day...

"When it comes to fighting for your dreams, be a dragon. Breathe fire."

                                                                              ~ Richelle E. Goodrich

Thursday, April 13, 2017

A Book of Blessings

     I am super excited to share this with you: a cantata composed by Steven Griffin titled A Book of Blessings. This was the first performance of the whole cantata which took place on March 29th at the Usher Hall in Edinburgh. If you click on the YouTube link below and scroll forward to the portion between 23:42 to 31:56, listen carefully. Those are my lyrics from a poem I wrote titled "Give." Yes, those are my lyrics! *beaming from ear to ear* How sweet is that? Read the poem below, and follow along with the music. I hope you enjoy this beautiful arrangement.

The sun rose and said to me, "Be a ray of sunshine for someone today."
The wind nudged at my back and said to me, "Blow a kiss to someone today."
The rain wet my cheek and said to me, "Dry a tear on a somber face today."
The soil fed grass at my feet and said to me, "Add pleasure to a life today."
The ocean washed ashore and said to me, "Calm the tempest of a troubled soul today."
The mountain trembled and said to me, "Soften a heart of stone today."
The moon lit the night and said to me, "Show the way with your simple giving."
So I went and did as they bid me do.
And the sun shone brightly on me.
And the wind caressed my face.
And the rain washed away my stains.
And the soil made a rose garden along my path.
And the ocean carried me from shore to shore.
And the mountain sheltered me from storms.
And the moon smiled down on me.
I've come to realize I can never give enough to recompense what I get in return.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Slaying Dragons Cover Art Reveal

Do you hear the anticipating drum roll?  
Are you holding your breath with expectation?  
Has curiosity grabbed your attention?
Good!  Because it's time for another COVER ART REVEAL!

After weeks of pencil drawing,


color and shading,

tweaking and editing....

I present to you the final cover art for

Slaying Dragons:
Quotes, Poetry, & a few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year is the next in a collection of inspirational books by American author and novelist, Richelle E. Goodrich. In the same style as Smile Anyway and Making Wishes, Slaying Dragons offers readers original daily quotes, poems, and an occasional story. Ponder meaningful quotes like the popular following:

"There are tomorrows on their way worth the struggles of today. Never give up."

“When it comes to fighting for your dreams, be a dragon. Breathe fire.”

“I can overlook the lie; what's harder to ignore is the grotesque way it has marred your character.”

“Too often we let others stamp a price tag on us and we accept their appraisal of our worth, forgetting we are in fact priceless.”

“When you love someone, you don’t care that she ate your sandwich. You only hope she found it delicious.”

“Habits grow like dragons if you feed them.”

Look for other inspirational books by Richelle E. Goodrich on Amazon, Smashwords, Createspace, iTunes, Kobo, and many more online book retailers!