Showing posts with label saga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saga. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

When is Book IV Coming Out?!


Rest assured, the fourth book is coming out very soon; it is scheduled for release this summer. The fifth book will follow closely after, most likely to be released sometime during the upcoming winter season.

I, like you, have been frustrated by the length of time it is taking to get all six books in the Harrowbethian Saga published and available for readers to enjoy. Switching from one publisher to an entirely self-pub platform forced me to start over with editing, formatting, and finally releasing book one in the Eena series. And then there were my other books that also required time and attention. I now have eight total books out for readers to enjoy (three Eena books.) That is a big accomplishment considering the small amount of free time I have to devote to this process.

The fact is, most indie writers, like myself, hold a day job in order to pay the bills. This chews up a great amount of our waking hours--hours I would most certainly prefer to spend writing. After work, there is family to care for, meals to prepare, and house chores requiring at least a minimal amount of attention. That leaves maybe an hour or two in the evening to devote to my books.

I appreciate your anxious wait, and I will try to work faster to get the remainder of the Harrowbethian Saga edited, formatted, and published ASAP! For you, Parker, I have posted the first chapters of this book on my author blog--something to help with your wait. Just visit the webpage below. Thank you for your eager question, for your interest in my books, and for your incredible patience. Now, I better get back to editing Eena book four!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Book Three is Out NOW!

The adventure intensifies!
Read the continuing tale of Queen Eena in this newly-released book three in the Harrowbethian Saga.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Experience greater peril, mystery, romance, adventure and hardship in this third volume of the Harrowbethian Saga. Read the introductory chapters here!

Captain Derian and his crew have successfully returned the young Queen Eena to her home in Harrowbeth. Gemdorin, their enemy of over a decade, has been defeated. The world awaits healing as peace once again settles over the land. Unfortunately for those closest to Eena, this much-deserved rest proves short-lived.

Deep within Lacsar Forest inside the black walls of Wanyaka Cave, a childhood ghost story has become reality. A more powerful and enduring enemy lures the young queen to where two immortal sisters await in confines, having been imprisoned there for generations. These evil sisters and their brother, along with a dragon forced to do their bidding, combine efforts to manipulate Eena into helping them accrue a means of escape. Though she tries to refuse her assistance, every move she makes only seems to worsen her predicament. She fears losing Derian's trust, Ian's friendship, and possibly someone's life.

Why is it we must
suffer the loss of something so dear
before we realize
what a treasure we had?

Why must the sun be darkened
before we feel
how genuinely impossible it is
to live without its warmth?
Why within the misery of absence
does love grow by such bounds?

Why must life be this way?
It is a strange existence
where such suffering
makes us far better people.

Richelle E. Goodrich, Eena, The Curse of Wanyaka Cave


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Recently Released!

Eena, The Curse of Wanyaka Cave has been released!
This is the 3rd book in the Harrowbethian Saga for those waiting to continue the adventures of young Queen Eena.

Let me do a little victory dance here for my personal writing accomplishment... Woo-hoo!

Okay, so you can find this great fantasy-romance-adventure in e-book and paperback form on and other online bookstores. After you finish living the adventure, remember to leave kind reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, etc. Thanks a bunch for supporting this American author!


Summary: Captain Derian and his crew have successfully returned the young Queen Eena to her home in Harrowbeth. Gemdorin, their enemy of over a decade, has been defeated. The world awaits healing as peace once again settles over the land. Unfortunately for those closest to Eena, this much-deserved rest proves short-lived.

Deep within Lacsar Forest inside the black walls of Wanyaka Cave, a childhood ghost story has become reality. A more powerful and enduring enemy lures the young queen to where two immortal sisters await in confines, having been imprisoned there for generations. These evil sisters and their brother, along with a dragon forced to do their bidding, combine efforts to manipulate Eena into helping them accrue a means of escape. Though she tries to refuse her assistance, every move she makes only seems to worsen her predicament. She fears losing Derian's trust, Ian's friendship, and possibly someone's life.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Visit Moccobatra

For those who have tried to envision the world of Moccobatra, I give you a visual representation of this beautiful planet.  It is home to a mix of alien species who long ago claimed their own portion of soil.  You can see Harrowbeth surrounded by the twisted trees of Lacsar Forest and the majestic Blue Mountains northward.  This is the proud land Queen Eena rules.

What? You've not read of Queen Eena and her daring return to Harrowbeth? You’ve not searched the homelands at her side, drawn to the seven ancient star points needed to restore Pallador's platform?  

Oh my.

Thank heavens it's not too late to begin experiencing Eena's adventures in the Harrowbethian Saga. And just in time too... because the next book is to be released in a few short weeks!  

So happy reading!  And enjoy the maps of Moccobatra below—including descriptions of those races inhabiting this wondrous world.

(A race of nomads similar in appearance and customs to the Mishmorats but lacking cheetah-like spots.  They generally camp in the warmer climates of Moccobatra on the continent shared by Harrowbeth.  They have been known in the past to share temporary dwelling sites with the Mishmorats; although, the Boarattas are careful to keep intimate relations separate, concerned about offspring born with identifying spots.)

(Known for their expert haggling abilities, this society thrives on commercial trade.  The people tend to be cheerful and gossipy, of stockier build.  They live in warmer to mild climates in the northern hemisphere of Moccobotra next to Middle Mei Jamay.  The land is divided into four commonwealths: Brentilies, Ardweeria, Triche, and Crestlovet.)

(A highly-sociable society thriving on novelties—new trends, new technologies.  The people are talkative but easily distracted, often losing a train of thought and frequently shifting between activities.  They live in the mild, northern continent of Moccobotra above the equator from Semmian lands.)

(Giants living north of the blue mountains of Icromeia.  Their capital city, Addebiosa, is located further north of Gabert Forest.  Their society revolves around the cultural arts; they are a friendly, courteous race. Once a year, during the fall season, they have a harvest parade in which the reigning Sha is traditionally invited to join.)

(A people of the northern hemisphere of Moccobatra living south of the Icromians’ Blue Mountains.  Their land is called Harrowbeth and is largely surrounded by the twisted trees of Lacsar Forest.  Their society holds strong to tradition and propriety, keeping to aged customs.  Social responsibilities are handed down within families.  Children are paired and promised by parental pledge to marry when the girl in the relationship turns eighteen years of age.  Promised couples wear matching pendants as they grow up to signify commitment to one another.  Their families often interact to encourage a strong relationship.  The land is governed by the Shen and Sha of Harrowbeth as well as eight members inheriting positions on the Council of Harrowbethian Dignitaries.)

(Identified by their blue skin; the hues range from periwinkle to indigo.  They live in Middle Mei Jamay in the same hemisphere as Harrowbeth on the opposite side of Moccobatra.  They are neighbors with the Doroj on one side and the Braetic on the other, sharing one continent.  Frequently uttered slogan: Car’ un em doy’ Hoj y`man deria, or Faith in the Hoj y`man nation.)

(A tall, slender people living in a fortress city called Icromeia in the blue mountains of Moccobatra.  They are born with translucent wings that buzz rapidly; they prefer flight to walking.  The average Icromian considers himself superior to most other races on the planet.  They are governed by a prime director and appointed congress.)

(A thin, delicate species living in homes carved from existing caves in the southern, mountainous continent below the Red Desert.  They share the mountains with the Monturians, but live higher up than their dwarf neighbors.  These fair-skinned people tend to keep to themselves; they are too elusive to detect if wishing to remain unseen.  They tend to have pastel eye colors, usually violet or blue.  Green is a rare pigment in their bloodline; yellow is even more rare.  Owing to ancient folklore describing an influential queen possessing hypnotic golden eyes that brought good fortune to her people, those born with yellow eyes are automatically given royal status.)

(A race of nomads with black hair, bronze skin, and cheetah-like spots running from head to foot with some bare zones including the main facial area.  They are of average height, muscled, and exceedingly strong for their build. They are described as an exotic race, especially the females who paint their eyes and lips.  Eye color ranges from near black to brown to burgundy.  Traveling camps generally keep to the warmer climates of Moccobatra on the continent shared by Harrowbeth.  Their wandering, free-spirited culture as well as their looks closely resembles the Boarattas who only lack spots.)

(Undersized and quick on their feet, this race is considered dwarfed in comparison to all other races inhabiting Moccobatra.  They reside in the lower mountains and foot prairies south of the Red Desert, sharing the mountains with the Llessurs who live higher up in caves.)

(A smaller race of people living in the red desert areas of Moccobatra, at and below the equator.  They have large, dark eyes and a yellowish tone to their skin.  The average Nalnom is highly active, tending to have a rowdier disposition.)

(Island dwelling people of Moccobatra, tanned and tall with slender limbs and a long, skinny tail used to wrap around items like an extra hand.  Most have dark hair with red highlights.  Their eyes appear to glow red at dusk as if reflecting the sunset.  The main diet of the Ooreenee is seafood and tree fruit like sweet neenee (indigenous to the islands) and ongreas.  They have arranged marriages called ‘coupling’ similar to the Harrowbethian promise.  Parents sign a covenant note which ties children together soon after birth.  In Ooree one is said to be coupled to a future spouse until reaching the age of marriage.)

(A race of people with white skin and silver-white hair.  They live near and below the equator in and around the Semmian Rainforest.  The Vang Isles lie off their western coast, a tropic vacationing spot for many Moccobatrans and a substantial source of tourism income.  The Semmians are a militaristic society—though this is more visibly reflected on the main continent than on the Vang Isles.  They are governed by military leaders overseen by a solitary director.  The average male serves ten years in the armed forces and has two or more wives.)

(A race living in the northern mountain area of the southernmost continent on Moccobatra.  They have a brawny build, wide facial features, and are a hairy people; their women take pride in showing off extra-long braids.  Walcles like to work the land and engage in games designed to test physical strength.)


(A light-skinned, freckled people living in the South Pole regions of Moccobatra.  Their eye color is prominently sea green and turquoise.  Hair color keeps to lighter shades of blonde.  Crusty, multi-layered skin helps this race to withstand extremely cold temperatures.  Yaremites live in cemented stone homes built high and enclosed like castle fortresses.)

Copyright 2014 Richelle E. Goodrich

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Same Great Story―Second Release!

Prepare to return to the beginning...
Re-read the adventures of Queen Eena in this newly-released, second edition of 

Richelle E. Goodrich

The second version has been revised and enhanced with new dialogue not included in the first!  See the cover upgrade below!

Experience adventure, peril, mystery, fun, new races, old legends and  budding romance in the first volume of The Harrowbethian Saga.  Read the introductory chapters here!  


Sevenah Williams lives a quiet farm life with her parents and best friend, Ian. Life is good and predictable until the unexpected yanks her from the only reality she remembers. Forced from home, her tragic and forgotten past is pieced together revealing that Sevenah is in fact heir to the throne of Harrowbeth; she is the last living of royal blood able to don a peculiar heirloom necklace. Given the new name, Eena, she and Ian set off for a new home, dodging nightmarish enemies in the process. All the while great powers granted by the enchanted necklace slowly emerge and develop.

Eena is assisted by militia sent to retrieve their queen, commanded by the bossy and intimidating Captain Derian. Though Ian and Derian endeavor to protect her, Eena is abducted by a charming, silver-tongued man. She finds herself forced to choose sides in a civil war she hardly understands. Which rival has the power to convince her of his nobleness and gain her ultimate support?

“You can capture this body of mine, take away my freedom and enslave me. 
You may even have the power to capture my soul and sentence me to the realm of eternal darkness. 
But my dreams you cannot touch. They are my will―the very essence of who I am. 
In them I laugh.
In them I cry.
In them I love.
And in them…….I live.
My dreams are untouchable and unceasing.” 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How Many Books?

I have been asked the same question a number of times since the publication of my first book, Eena, The Dawn and Rescue Once readers discover that this is just the beginning of Eena's extraordinary adventure, they want to know...

"How many books are in the saga?"

Well, the truth is...

Eena's tale, which I refer to as the Harrowbethian Saga, was originally the Harrowbethian Trilogy.  When I took on the challenge of creating a new fantasy /science fiction /romance /adventure story, I was only interested in compiling three books.  Quite frankly, that's about my personal attention span for any series.  Not that I haven't read the four, five, six, seven, plus volumes of many excellent strings of amazing works of fiction, but I tend to grumble about it.  So, to satisfy my own preference, Eena started out as a trilogy.

It was a three-book package that I handed out to dozens of my friends for pre-reading.
Book One - Eena, The Return of a Queen
Book Two - Eena, The Two Sisters
Book Three - Eena, The Companionship of the Dragon's Soul

Personally, I still prefer the story in this trilogy bundle.  I think it is perfect.  However, as is often the case in life, others disagreed with me.  The fact is, these original books comprised 700+ pages each.  A little lengthy, maybe, but well worth the read.  Who is not frustrated when an entertaining tale ends too soon?  At first, I ignored the few who suggested I consider dividing the novels into shorter-length narratives. 

"Ha!  Are you kidding me?  It's a trilogy, people!  Would you tolerate cutting The Lord of the Rings in half?  Or slashing the Eragon Saga into eight parts?  Yeah...I didn't think so!"

But there were arguments to consider.  Young adult literature is more likely to sell if the page count isn't overwhelming.  The majority of book buyers shy away from thick books, preferring something they can tackle on a flight, there and back.  It's more cost-effective to publish a smaller book. 

"Yadda, yadda, jibberish, nonsense, yawn... whatever."

Then the miraculous day came when I was actually on the phone speaking to an interested publisher.  Unbelievable!  Not an easy occurrence to come by, I'll tell you.  Oh my gosh, if within the first five minutes she wasn't recommending I divide each book in two, persuading me with the same previously brushed-off arguments!  Wisely I said, "Of course I'll consider it."

Then I hung up the phone and groaned.  "Ugh!  My beautiful trilogy!  My poor, perfectly-wonderful-as-it-is trilogy!  They want to tear you apart and destroy you!"

So, a bit on the unwilling and disgruntled side, I complained to my husband.

"Three books is the perfect number, the perfect length for a saga. More than that and you lose the interest of readers!  And then tell me this, how am I supposed to find a coherent midpoint at which to slice each book in half?  What if I can't?  How do you end one half of a book and start it up again in another, making it believably two books when obviously it's meant to be one?  That's insane!  It's impossible!  And then.....oh yes....and then I would need to come up with THREE MORE TITLES for THREE MORE BOOKS!  I might as well just call it part one and part two of what ought to be one solid book!  Criminy!"

My husband heard me out and said little.  "If your goal is to get published, Richelle, you should do what the publisher asks."

"Grumble, grumble, traitor... whatever."

So, I went to work butchering the first of my books.  Dreadful, anguishing chore!

Honestly... shockingly... it turned out to be easier than expected severing the book in two.  The story's action naturally came to a nice shift in settings and plot near the midpoint. 

Huh.  Interesting. 

Okay... alright... so maybe that wasn't so hard.  But there was still the chore of having to write a new ending to this first-half of the book, making it believably a stand-alone book of its own.  A grievous task... if even possible. 

It took me two added pages.  Hmmmm. 

But... there remained a need for another title!  A catching caption to slap on the cover of what had now been transformed into two books instead of one. 

Okay, so in this first book the heroine discovers her true identity and is rescued from dire circumstances.  How about... Eena, The Dawn and Rescue

(Dang, that was easy.)

You get the picture.  Each book of the original trilogy was divided into two halves creating a six-book epic saga.  The new titles (around 350 page count each) are as follows:

Book One - Eena, The Dawn and Rescue
Book Two - Eena, The Return of a Queen
Book Three - Eena, The Curse of Wanyaka Cave
Book Four - Eena, The Two Sisters
Book Five - Eena, The Tempter's Snare
Book Six - Eena, The Companionship of the Dragon's Soul

Now, as the twisted irony of fate would have it, the publisher who showed such promising initial interest in my books backed out, leaving me with transformed written works and a bucket of pitiful tears.  Yes, I cried a bit.  But after a little lamenting, I picked myself up, whispered a prayer, and resolvedly quoted myself, Don't ever give up!

I decided to invest in a self-publishing venture, and on April 26th, 2012 a box was delivered to my doorstep.  Inside the cardboard package, in paperback form, was the first novel I had ever written, Eena, The Dawn and Rescue.  I am grateful now for the events that encouraged Eena's story to be sectioned into smaller books, enabling me a better opportunity to find success in this self-publishing world. My short-term goal is to publish the remaining books.

My long-term goal?  To eventually find success enough as a novelist to have Eena's story published in the trilogy form in which it was originally meant to exist.  At that day, it shall sit on my bookshelf next to the great J.R.R. Tolkein's masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings

Don't laugh.  A girl can dream.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

First Book Signing

The date has been set, and YOU'RE INVITED!

Saturday, September 29th
1:00 - 4:00 pm 
@ Hastings Book Store in Moses Lake, WA.
My first book signing! 

If you have a copy of my book, Eena, The Dawn and Rescue, please come to Hastings and get it signed.  There will be a few copies of my book available for purchase.  You're welcome to stop by and say hello.  Stay and chat for a while.  I hope to see many friendly faces! 

You can buy the paperback or e-book 
version online now!


Thanks so very much everyone for your support!
- Richelle E. Goodrich