This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.
Nov. 7th:
Nov. 7th:
Did you know that if you had $10,000 you could trade it in for a million pennies? I know, right? Why would you want to? I mean, a penny is only worth 1/100th of a dollar. We tend not to notice them anymore, even when a handful are scattered on the ground. Why bother breaking your back to retrieve one? Well, let me tell you why.Regardless of a penny’s monetary worth, I am actually grateful for the coin. Yes, I usually take the time to stoop down and pick one up. I started doing this regularly after hearing a comment that, in my eyes, shone a bright light on their greater worth."A penny’s value is in what it represents more than in the candy it can buy."I doubt a single penny can be exchanged for any amount of candy these days, yet it is valued by me. I read the words printed on the face—In God We Trust. This maxim is a reminder of the principles and beliefs our country was founded upon. It is a reminder of my own faith in a living, loving God.Finding a penny has become a good-luck charm of sorts, like finding a four-leaf clover, because it makes me stop and think about the things of real worth in life: things like faith, integrity, relationships, gratitude, happiness, friends, and family. Like the penny, these things may not have high monetary value yet they are priceless in intrinsic worth. And though I cannot take a penny or a dime or a dollar with me when I pass from this life to the next, I do believe I will take these other precious gifts with me if I am found in possession of them here and now. Pennies remind me of this, and for that I am grateful.