Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Author Spotlight: Raani York

Raani York has been a high-volume writer for years. She has published articles, letters, short stories, poems, and continuation stories. She also writes novels, some of which can be found on her website. Her book, Dragonbride, first in the Dragon Chronicles, was recently released.

Raani was educated in Switzerland and in the U.S. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. She also obtained diplomas in Graphic Design, Color Studies, and won a prize as a Logo Designer. She speaks four languages and several dialects.

Raani York works and lives in Switzerland and the U.S. and travels often.

Next to her writing and her cats, Raani likes reading, blogging, Martial Arts, skiing, horseback riding, sky diving and enjoys playing the classical piano.

(The Dragon Chronicles, Book #1)

Shalima, “Daughter of the Light”, was born under special circumstances. She was raised by her aunts instead of her mother because she needed to be prepared to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Scriptures, which told that she was the only Magician on Earth.

Her aunts carefully prepared her for her obligations and her sacred duty. She will have to get married to the Holy Golden Dragon, the King of the Dragons, a huge Earth Dragon with magical talents. She cannot believe that she is the “Chosen One”, who has to protect the Dragon Species, all of Nature and finally the Earth. But when she turned into a teenager it seemed that the Old Scriptures were right.

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    The mountains possessed a dark but seductive beauty, and they lay in wait for the ones who came through the Fire Hell. The powdered white peaks of the sparkling black mountain-world watched for them with longing.

    The Diamond Mountains gave the illusion of being much closer than they really were, and many a pilgrim had been lured to his death by the promise of riches hidden on their slopes. These mountains were so named because of the rough gems strewn about the black volcanic soil. When the sun shone overhead the gems made the mountains sparkle and shimmer brightly, and at night they made the moonlit mountains glow with a soft silver light.

   People, blinded by both their greed and the tantalizing glittering of the sunlit earth, imagined that there was immeasurable wealth lying there on the ground, just waiting to be picked. However, the mountains never betrayed the secrets they held. None who had ever walked those slopes could find the diamonds hidden within the black soil, for the mountains protected themselves.

    Although healthy forest still grew in the foothills, the undergrowth became sparser just a few hundred feet up, and then the treeline ended. Where stunted trees would normally grow the forest just stopped, as if some unseen hand had cut it short. All that remained were dangerously sharp, dry rocks. Just below the snowline, the rocks disappeared, and the glittering black soil took their place.

    Moreover, at the summit it seemed as if the Creator of All Things had dusted the peaks of the fissured mountain range with powdered sugar, for they were covered with a deceptively soft-looking, yet extremely sharp-edged eternal snow.

    The mountains never betrayed their secrets...
   And if a wanderer were to climb those peaks, going up to the Fire Hell and searching to quench his thirst at a splashing mountain spring, he would find no cool, refreshing water. Instead, these living mountains would seek to frighten him by shrouding the ground with a mysterious fog that made it impossible to see where he was putting his feet. Pilgrims sometimes drowned in the sulfurous pools of water hidden within the hellish rocks when the fog appeared, and if they left the main trails, they would know true fear, for they would be led down treacherous sidepaths that seemed to take them somewhere, yet actually led them nowhere but to their doom.

   The mountains never betrayed their secrets...
   Though many thought they would find the cool relief of the shadows by early evening, the ascent would continue for another three torturous days. During those three days, their throats would scream for water, and their eyes would tear up in the swirling sand. Blown up by the hot desert winds, the sand burned as it fell upon a traveler's face and skin. Eventually their limbs would become heavy, and they would barely be able to move; thus, the wanderers would be forced to crawl on, farther and farther, until sheer luck eventually brought them to civilization... to people.

   In a canyon between two hills below the mountain range there was a village. It had no official name, but the people living there called it Alpcateçu, which meant Oasis of the Mountains. Anyone who wanted to climb the mountains had to pass through the village. A few taverns and inns surrounded the village fountain, where a market was sometimes held.
   Some houses and huts had been built in the wide hills and even at the edge of the forest... and in one such place, hidden within the woods, almost four hundred feet past the deepest thicket and connected to the village only by a sidepath lay the place in which I had been born.

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Monday, October 13, 2014

Prepare for Hallows Eve with a Werewolf Tale

It's mid October.
The air has taken on an icy chill.  The trees have turned colors—from calm green to blazing red and ginger. Maple leaves rain down on me as I realize All Hallows Eve is merely days away.  I am excited because this means another installment in my ongoing Halloween Tale.

If you've not heard how the ritual of my annual spook tale got started, three years back I wrote a short story for a friend who could easily be crowned Queen of Halloween (she is that obsessed with the holiday.)  Her thrill over the story and a question as to what happens next started a writing tradition that continues today.  Every Halloween, I add to an ongoing adventure starring the queen of werefolk—including a powerful and vengeful witch, devious vampires, and other frightful creatures of the night.  It is a spooky delight!

So prepare yourselves!  

Read the beginning chapters of The Tarishe Curse and either enjoy it for the first time or refresh your memory of Duvalla and Kresh.  And on this next Halloween… get ready for more!

Follow Richelle's board Encourage and Enlighten Me on Pinterest.

Monday, October 6, 2014

This is Life

Learning to love through loss. Seeking warm pockets in the bitter cold. Finding the worth of a smile on a cloudy day. Carrying the weight of the world on weary shoulders—mistakes, sins, injustices—added upon daily. Enduring burdens that spur greater strength.

This is life.
Sorting through layers of expressions staring you straight in the eye. A battle to be right when wrong, to be good when bad, to be content when in need, and to laugh when tearing up.

This is life.
Valuing things of no worth. Reevaluating dreams. Laboring ceaselessly against the current. Seeing less, wanting more, having enough.

This is life.
Chasing the moon when the sun would extend its warmth. Slapping the hand that would offer a gentle caress. Cowering at personal, monstrous shadows. Giving and taking in unbalanced weights. Diminishing the majesty of mountains in order to form our own lowly hills. Hoping for more than we deserve.

This is life.
Hurting. Despairing. Losing. Weeping. Suffering. Laboring. Sinking. Mourning. Appreciating with greater capacity and sincerity a learned knowledge that these adversities do have their opposites.

This is life.
A taste. A revelation. A banishment. A mercy. A test. An experience. A turbulent sea-voyage that shall assuredly reach the unseen shore, making seasoned sailors of us all.

This is life.

"You were born and with you endless possibilities, very few ever to be realized. It's okay. Life was never about what you could do, but what you would do. "

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

"So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

“Life is a test. It was designed to be so. It is where we taste the bitter and the sweet; where we feel pain and pleasure; where we learn right from wrong; where we pass through both darkness and light. It is a time to make choices. And through this process we form our characters—some grand and glorious, some barely decent, and others just plain monstrous.”

Thursday, September 11, 2014

About the Sun

     I love when the sun plays hide-n-seek for a few days because its invisibility often goes unnoticed. The world seems content that its presence behind the clouds is enough.
     But as soon as that brilliant sun jumps into the open sky once again―shining in full splendor―our closed eyes automatically turn toward it, and we bask beneath a warm and tender touch, grateful all the more that our glorious sun exists.

"Laughter is sunshine, it chases winter from the human face."

"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."

"Some people are so much sunshine to the square inch."

"I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house."

"It is amazing what one ray of sunshine can do for a man!"

"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."

"Ô, Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth."

"He was sunshine most always-I mean he made it seem like good weather."

"To wish for the happiest days is to wish for a season of sorrow; for it is only after prolonged, wintry darkness that the summer sun appears to shine at its brightest."

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Visit Moccobatra

For those who have tried to envision the world of Moccobatra, I give you a visual representation of this beautiful planet.  It is home to a mix of alien species who long ago claimed their own portion of soil.  You can see Harrowbeth surrounded by the twisted trees of Lacsar Forest and the majestic Blue Mountains northward.  This is the proud land Queen Eena rules.

What? You've not read of Queen Eena and her daring return to Harrowbeth? You’ve not searched the homelands at her side, drawn to the seven ancient star points needed to restore Pallador's platform?  

Oh my.

Thank heavens it's not too late to begin experiencing Eena's adventures in the Harrowbethian Saga. And just in time too... because the next book is to be released in a few short weeks!  

So happy reading!  And enjoy the maps of Moccobatra below—including descriptions of those races inhabiting this wondrous world.

(A race of nomads similar in appearance and customs to the Mishmorats but lacking cheetah-like spots.  They generally camp in the warmer climates of Moccobatra on the continent shared by Harrowbeth.  They have been known in the past to share temporary dwelling sites with the Mishmorats; although, the Boarattas are careful to keep intimate relations separate, concerned about offspring born with identifying spots.)

(Known for their expert haggling abilities, this society thrives on commercial trade.  The people tend to be cheerful and gossipy, of stockier build.  They live in warmer to mild climates in the northern hemisphere of Moccobotra next to Middle Mei Jamay.  The land is divided into four commonwealths: Brentilies, Ardweeria, Triche, and Crestlovet.)

(A highly-sociable society thriving on novelties—new trends, new technologies.  The people are talkative but easily distracted, often losing a train of thought and frequently shifting between activities.  They live in the mild, northern continent of Moccobotra above the equator from Semmian lands.)

(Giants living north of the blue mountains of Icromeia.  Their capital city, Addebiosa, is located further north of Gabert Forest.  Their society revolves around the cultural arts; they are a friendly, courteous race. Once a year, during the fall season, they have a harvest parade in which the reigning Sha is traditionally invited to join.)

(A people of the northern hemisphere of Moccobatra living south of the Icromians’ Blue Mountains.  Their land is called Harrowbeth and is largely surrounded by the twisted trees of Lacsar Forest.  Their society holds strong to tradition and propriety, keeping to aged customs.  Social responsibilities are handed down within families.  Children are paired and promised by parental pledge to marry when the girl in the relationship turns eighteen years of age.  Promised couples wear matching pendants as they grow up to signify commitment to one another.  Their families often interact to encourage a strong relationship.  The land is governed by the Shen and Sha of Harrowbeth as well as eight members inheriting positions on the Council of Harrowbethian Dignitaries.)

(Identified by their blue skin; the hues range from periwinkle to indigo.  They live in Middle Mei Jamay in the same hemisphere as Harrowbeth on the opposite side of Moccobatra.  They are neighbors with the Doroj on one side and the Braetic on the other, sharing one continent.  Frequently uttered slogan: Car’ un em doy’ Hoj y`man deria, or Faith in the Hoj y`man nation.)

(A tall, slender people living in a fortress city called Icromeia in the blue mountains of Moccobatra.  They are born with translucent wings that buzz rapidly; they prefer flight to walking.  The average Icromian considers himself superior to most other races on the planet.  They are governed by a prime director and appointed congress.)

(A thin, delicate species living in homes carved from existing caves in the southern, mountainous continent below the Red Desert.  They share the mountains with the Monturians, but live higher up than their dwarf neighbors.  These fair-skinned people tend to keep to themselves; they are too elusive to detect if wishing to remain unseen.  They tend to have pastel eye colors, usually violet or blue.  Green is a rare pigment in their bloodline; yellow is even more rare.  Owing to ancient folklore describing an influential queen possessing hypnotic golden eyes that brought good fortune to her people, those born with yellow eyes are automatically given royal status.)

(A race of nomads with black hair, bronze skin, and cheetah-like spots running from head to foot with some bare zones including the main facial area.  They are of average height, muscled, and exceedingly strong for their build. They are described as an exotic race, especially the females who paint their eyes and lips.  Eye color ranges from near black to brown to burgundy.  Traveling camps generally keep to the warmer climates of Moccobatra on the continent shared by Harrowbeth.  Their wandering, free-spirited culture as well as their looks closely resembles the Boarattas who only lack spots.)

(Undersized and quick on their feet, this race is considered dwarfed in comparison to all other races inhabiting Moccobatra.  They reside in the lower mountains and foot prairies south of the Red Desert, sharing the mountains with the Llessurs who live higher up in caves.)

(A smaller race of people living in the red desert areas of Moccobatra, at and below the equator.  They have large, dark eyes and a yellowish tone to their skin.  The average Nalnom is highly active, tending to have a rowdier disposition.)

(Island dwelling people of Moccobatra, tanned and tall with slender limbs and a long, skinny tail used to wrap around items like an extra hand.  Most have dark hair with red highlights.  Their eyes appear to glow red at dusk as if reflecting the sunset.  The main diet of the Ooreenee is seafood and tree fruit like sweet neenee (indigenous to the islands) and ongreas.  They have arranged marriages called ‘coupling’ similar to the Harrowbethian promise.  Parents sign a covenant note which ties children together soon after birth.  In Ooree one is said to be coupled to a future spouse until reaching the age of marriage.)

(A race of people with white skin and silver-white hair.  They live near and below the equator in and around the Semmian Rainforest.  The Vang Isles lie off their western coast, a tropic vacationing spot for many Moccobatrans and a substantial source of tourism income.  The Semmians are a militaristic society—though this is more visibly reflected on the main continent than on the Vang Isles.  They are governed by military leaders overseen by a solitary director.  The average male serves ten years in the armed forces and has two or more wives.)

(A race living in the northern mountain area of the southernmost continent on Moccobatra.  They have a brawny build, wide facial features, and are a hairy people; their women take pride in showing off extra-long braids.  Walcles like to work the land and engage in games designed to test physical strength.)


(A light-skinned, freckled people living in the South Pole regions of Moccobatra.  Their eye color is prominently sea green and turquoise.  Hair color keeps to lighter shades of blonde.  Crusty, multi-layered skin helps this race to withstand extremely cold temperatures.  Yaremites live in cemented stone homes built high and enclosed like castle fortresses.)

Copyright 2014 Richelle E. Goodrich

Friday, July 18, 2014

I Am a Writer


“I bleed words.
I dream in narrative.
I live in infinite worlds.
I befriend figmental characters.
I wish on stars in other galaxies.
I harvest stories from a brooding muse.
I bloom under moonlight in hushed seclusion.
I am a writer.”

Copyright 2014 Richelle E. Goodrich

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Giving Away Stories

Would you like to know the most frustrating thing about being a book writer?  You might guess that it's the headache of attempting to compose a concise and gripping query letter meant to convince an agent to please, please, please consider your work.  Or you might think it's the effort of maintaining blogs and tweets and social media when what you really need is to be writing your manuscript.  Or maybe it is sweating over another revision where words and phrases have become déja vu protected by some muse-conjured force field outside your ability to edit.  Or perhaps it's just the futility of trying to find ways to make your book stand out among millions and millions of probably far superior...

Whoa, wait.  Let me rewind here.

Would you like to know ONE of the most frustrating things about being a book writer?  It is holding this completed novel in your handsa work you've fallen in love with over the months it's taken to research and revise and carefully compose until it is now a wondrous reading experiencethat only you have tasted.  You're alone in knowing how grand the story is; you've no one to talk to about this fantastical, life-altering journey you've been on!  More than anything in the world, you want to post it everywhere for the multitudes to readbecause they'll surely want toand share in the remarkable triumphs your clever characters have fought to overcome!

But you can't simply give your hard work away... even though you long to do just that.  I mean, what about your goal to profit off your books?  You've spent years putting them together, hoping someday to live the dream of supporting yourself as a novelist!  All that work... all that time... and you just want to give it away?

Ah heck, why not?

I'll admit that when I complete a writing project, all I really want is for someone to read it. Just read it! Take it in. Experience the story I crafted. That's why I always post beginning book chapters on my author blog. That's why two years ago I started writing online stories available for free. I add new chapters annually to my developing adventures, a tradition I look forward to.

How did this ritual begin? A few Halloweens back I had the idea to write a short story for a friend who happens to be a fanatic when it comes to All Hallows Eve. I wrote the story and titled it The Tarishe Curse. It was posted on Halloween 2012. My friend loved it! *Whew* And as far as I was concerned, the task (and the tale) was over.

But then she asked, "What happens next?"
What do you mean? The story ended. Well, sort of. But a good imagination can take it from there. However...

An idea was planted in my head—an idea I fell in love with. Why not write a story online for everyone to read? A story that develops into something greater every year! Yeah, why not? And so I did.

You can read it for free and anticipate more to come. Perhaps consider adding this to your holiday traditions.


This is a developing online book with new chapters added every Halloween.

Catherine fights every Hallows Eve to protect her village from creatures of the night. She has sworn to avenge the deaths of loved ones, but a witch's curse may prove a stumbling block impossible to overcome.

"A thrilling piece of fantasy fiction from the Queen of Werefolk's point of view. It is challenging enough for Duvalla and Kresh to protect their young family in a world of Hallows Eve creatures, but such a feat proves near impossible when a witch bent on vengeance against the werewolves casts a Tarishe curse that manipulates both heart and mind. The fight is not only with the sword but an internal struggle to love the ones Duvalla has sworn under a spell to hate, and hate the one who through evil enchantment manipulates her heart."

And please share! Leave your reaction; write a review; talk to others about it. Talk to ME about it! I write to entertain―myself first and then others.

Copyright 2014 Richelle E. Goodrich