This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.
Nov. 18th:
There are opposites in all things: light versus darkness, heat and coldness, noise contrasting quiet, laughter versus tears. You could probably list a dozen more opposites without thinking too hard about it.We experience each side of these coins through a lifetime, tasting the bitter and the sweet at various points. It is because of opposites that we develop appreciation.For example, hard work makes us welcome rest. Salt causes sugar to taste sweeter to the tongue. The chill of winter gives summertime more impact. Prolonged darkness gives greater value to a sunrise. It is our experiences with opposition that teach us to appreciate the good over the bad, the kind over the cruel, things of worth over things of no real value.Even though some experiences are unpleasant, the truth is that opposition makes us more aware, more discerning, and more appreciative. I am grateful for opposites and the learning experiences they provide us in life.