Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Read The Tarishe Curse

       It was seven years ago that I sat down to write a werewolf story for my friend, Cathie Duvall, who is without a doubt one of Halloween's biggest fans. I remember thinking it would be fun to surprise her with a short story suitable for the spooky holiday. I never thought she would ask me what happens next in the story. I had no plans for "what next," so I never expected that our friendly conversation would result in a Halloween tradition that is now in its seventh year! 

       Since that October of 2012, I have added yearly installments to what has become an ongoing tale about the Queen of Werefolk and her entanglement with evil witches, a lonely warlock, desperate vampires, merciless gargoyles, and oh yes, hideous trolls. Writing annual chapters to The Tarishe Curse has become my Hallows Eve tradition, one I'll admit is a real challenge for me. Typically, I plan out my stories from beginning to end before jotting the first sentence on paper. But this tale I created year by year without any idea where it leads. I still don't know for certain how to wrap up the crazy tale. With a wild twist, I hope!

       If you have yet to discover the curse suffered by Queen Duvalla and her werewolf pack, start reading the The Tarishe Curse today.

       Happy Hallows Eve reading, everyone!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Vietnam Diary

Hey! I have an incredible treat for you!

So, my dad has been retired for a while, and with all his free time he decided to jot down personal memories about his experiences serving a tour in the Vietnam War. He was drafted into the U.S. Army, along with about 650,000 other men at the time. It certainly was not what he or his parents or his fiancee anticipated. 

My dad finished his story and then, to our surprise, he handed out copies to my mom, my siblings, and me. I read his story from beginning to end, engrossed the entire time. Oh man! It was like watching a war movie on the big screen, only this was real! This was my father's actual, true life experiences! I learned a lot, and felt a lot, reading this personal diary.

Reporting back to my father, I told him that he seriously needed to take these pages and make them into a book. After a little coaxing, he agreed to let me edit the writing, add a few photos from his tour in Vietnam, and have the entirety printed off in paperback form. BUT, it was only to be handed out to close family and friends. 

"Oh come on, Dad. This story would benefit so many people. You really should publish it."

                                     "I don't know."

"Seriously, Dad, it's an eye-opening account. Tons of people would love to read it."

                                     "Well...I'll think about it."

So he thought about it.  And guess what! After handling the final product and browsing through it again, my dad actually agreed to publish his book! This is exciting news! Believe me, you're going to want to read it. Here's the synopsis from the back cover:

"Greetings from the President."
I had just been drafted into the U.S. Army. It was the last thing I expected, and it was certainly not what my parents or fiancee wanted to hear. Enclosed in these pages are my personal experiences from a tour served in Vietnam during the war. This book is written in my own words, a diary for my family and posterity. I hope this recounting will help them comprehend the great sacrifices made by brave soldiers in wartime, sacrifices that protect freedoms we tend to take for granted. This is my true story."

You can get a copy of my dad's book on Amazon.com or Lulu.com in either paperback or e-book form. Don't miss out on this! If you are curious at all about what it was like fighting in the Vietnam war, or if you wonder about the incredible sacrifices made by brave soldiers in defense of our freedoms, or if you like memoirs and reality stories--get this book. Yes, that's my dad on the cover. Sergeant Starr.

Buy now at

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

I Hit 300 Likes!

     Today was a milestone day for me. I discovered that my most-popular quote on Goodreads.com hit 300 likes! It's my first quote to cross the 300 mark! Take a look below. 

     Yes, yes, I'm tickled pink about it. I love little triumphs; they keep me going. You should know that this accomplishment didn't happen overnight. It was back in October of 2012 that the above quote was posted on Goodreads. That was nearly six years ago! The point is, it often takes time for the "likes" to add up and for accumulated efforts to pay off. Moral of the story: Never give up! 

Monday, August 6, 2018

I Love Poetry

Why do I love poetry? For many reasons. Because poetry is artistic. Because poems have intrinsic beauty. Because they are a creative means of expression. I love poetry because of the way it manipulates my emotions, much the way music and sunsets and thoughtful gestures do. I write poetry, hoping to convey to the reader what I feel, what I love, what I struggle with, what I hope for. At different times, I appreciate certain poems more than others. If you asked me what my favorite poem was today, it would be the following. It is one I wrote from the perspective of an outsider.

          “I want to hear her laugh.
           To watch sunbeams awaken her visage and shine through her eyes. To see the gray clouds of regret that hang heavy over her head rain away to nothing.
           I want to hear her sunny voice dance on the breeze, as light and free as glossy bubbles, floating up…up…up to pop like hiccups. I want to know the type and form of key I must cut to unshackle even a portion of her joy.
           If I could pluck the winning feather; if my smile could convince; if I could stroke her vocal chords like harp strings and make each treble note ascend to euphoria. Oh, to hear the giggled melody she would release into a world craving the balm of mirth!
           I ache to experience that. I am desperate for it.
           I live for the day I hear her laugh.”

Copyright 2018 Richelle E. Goodrich 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Cover Reveal for the FINAL BOOK in my NEW Saga

had an itch to do things differently with this final book in the Harrowbethian Saga and decided to work backwards by completing the cover before editing the story. I know, I know, it means you still have to wait a few months before the actual book is released, but heynow you have a visual to help your imagination run wild guessing how Queen Eena's adventures will come to an end! That's half the fun about reading a series, isn't it?

Creating this cover was somewhat bittersweet since all the while I knew it was the last one I would illustrate for my very first HUGE writing accomplishment. Who ever thought I would actually write an entire original saga? Not me! However, now that I've scaled that mountain, I'm psyched to try again.

After weeks of contemplating the crazy events that take place in this culminating book, I eventually envisioned the cover I wanted. I chose to showcase Queen Eena elegantly dressed alongside her immortal watch dog, the impish Edgarmetheus. Both characters are dynamic individuals who play vital roles in this book. The background scene is a representation of a new planet you have yet to discover. 

I'm sorry that I can't give a release date for book six entitled, Eena, The Companionship of the Dragon's Soul, but it will be worth the wait! I can tell you that the paperback copy of book fiveEena the Tempter's Snarecontains the very first chapter of book six. You might want to check it out!


Without further ado... 

The Final Cover!

Paperback Version Cover

Quote from the book:

“Compassion only plagues those with hearts, much like a field of thorns only troubles those who bleed.”
~ Naradite

E-book Cover

Copyright 2018 Richelle E. Goodrich

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Meet Kahm Derian, Captain of the Kemeniroc

Kahm Derian (Captain Derian) is head of Harrowbeth's national security and commander of a galactic battleship known as the Kemeniroc. He was born into his important position, having taken over as commander some years after his father's death.

Derian is a wise, capable, and cunning leader with a naturally assertive and intimidating personality. He is an expert pilot and a master swordsman. He heads a mallawum team know as the Dragon Slayers that are often favored to win each season of play. It was at a very young age that he learned to wield a sword in order to play the game.

The captain runs a tight ship, expecting nothing but the best from his men and himself. He has earned the loyalty of the soldiers under his command throughout years of service on the Kemeniroc. During an unprecedented civil war that lasted over fourteen long years, he saved their lives in battle numerous times.

Derian fights to protect Harrowbeth and his queen, Sha Eena, although the pair have an uncanny habit of squabbling, voicing contradictory opinions on nearly every subject. Despite being smitten with her, the captain finds himself frequently aggravated by the young queen's impetuous decisions that are often the fault of her inexperienced and tender heart.

You can read more about Kahm Derian and his friends in the Harrowbethian Saga, an epic fantasy/scifi/romance series by American author, Richelle E. Goodrich.

Monday, June 18, 2018

10 Things to Know About Book V

     The fifth book in the Harrowbethian Saga is out now for your reading pleasure! Eena, The Tempter's Snare is available for purchase at most online book-retailers in e-book and paperback form. Get ready to continue Eena's adventures with the following ten things you want to know about the book:

1. Eena is turning 18.

2. The world will celebrate with an extravagant birthday party.

3. Harrowbeth expects their queen to marry within the year.

4. Despite her stubborn nature, Eena has learned to think ahead before acting impetuously. To some extent, anyway.

5. She discovers secrets about the initiation process into an intriguing Mishmorat organization.

6. The dragon, Ascultone, is still determined to end her life.

7. Eena revisits childhood moments spent with Derian, Ian, and Angelle.

8. Edgarmetheus has not disappeared for good.

9. Neither have his wicked sisters.

10. Boundaries blur, making choices harder for everyone.

What are you waiting for?
Read the first 4 books in the Harrowbethian Saga:

Book 1
Book 2

Book 3
Book 4