Friday, November 27, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 27th


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 27th:

I have a voice. With my throat and mouth, I can form audible sounds—words, laughter, melodies, and other noises. I can speak to an audience, argue with a colleague, giggle with my girlfriends, sing in a choir, yodel, whistle, cheer, and roar. It is wonderful to have a voice. 

I love using my voice to talk over the phone. My closest friend lives many miles from my house, so we spend many hours on the phone, often reading books to each other. My friend is talented at character voices, both male and female, which makes the stories come to life. It is incredible how a single voice can be altered to create such a wide range of sounds! 

I am grateful to have a voice with which to communicate and entertain, and I am grateful to hear so many wonderful voices chatting, singing, and laughing all around me.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 26th


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 26th:

My family just celebrated Thanksgiving, and my oh my did I use my hands a lot! I chopped a lot of vegetables, stirred thickened sauces, sliced a whole turkey, whisked and spooned and peeled and buttered and scrubbed... oh yes, my hands were very busy! 

Now that Thanksgiving is over, my kids are spending time together playing card games (busy with their hands) and I am writing this blog about how grateful I am for the hands I take for granted. I write, I draw, I paint, I play piano (a little) I cook, I clean, I type (for hours at work.) It is amazing how useful and used my hands are, yet I seldom stop to appreciate the miracle they are. I am very grateful to have two, healthy, able hands.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 25th


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 25th:

I was blessed to grow up in the same house, in the same city, same schools, with the same friends for most of my childhood life. I had parents who established healthy routines and habits that lasted throughout those years. The stability I experienced as a result was comforting. It gave me an anchor I often needed when other areas of life gave way to every shift in the wind, as the world is prone to do. Even at a young age, I recognized and appreciated the security that existed in a stable home. It was a sure thing on which I could rely.

When I grew to be a parent, stability for my own children became a priority. I wanted to raise my kids in one house, a place they could call home no matter how drastically things changed outside. I was granted that blessing, and my kids grew up in the same house, the same city, same schools, having many of the same friends for most of their childhood. 

Even if they don’t realize it, that constant in their lives created stability, which has real benefits. Some of them include better health, a reduction in stress, deeper friendships, better habits, feelings of control, feelings of security, and less uncertainty about life. I am grateful my kids grew up with roots in a house and a hometown. I am grateful for the stability I too experienced growing up.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 24th


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 24th:

I own a complete set of Star Trek porcelain figures that fit together like a puzzle. The set consists of eight members of the Next Generation’s bridge crew that form a nice display of the main bridge when arranged in the right order. Unfortunately, my son accidentally bumped the display one evening, and two of the figurines hit the floor and broke apart. Not a happy moment. 

Yesterday, I spent an hour carefully lining up each busted piece and gluing them back together with superglue. To my delight, the glue held strong! The repairs look as good as new. 

It was a relief to have something strong and sticky enough to repair my  treasured collectibles. I am thankful for adhesives like superglue, wood glue, gorilla glue, glue sticks and the like. They make repairs, crafts, scrapbooking, woodworking, packaging, and even some healthcare possible.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 23rd


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 23rd:

Black licorice is such a unique flavor, is it not? As is Peppermint. Cinnamon. Salmon. Lemon. Anchovy. Chocolate. Butterscotch. Garlic. Jalapeno. Maple. Banana. The list goes on. 

A plentiful assortment of flavors can be found in this world, which makes for enjoyable dining experiences. From sweet to savory to sour, there is enough of a range in flavors to please every taste bud on the tongue. Isn’t it wonderful? 

Flavor is probably the most enticing reason we love to eat. When a dish tastes bland, a typical reaction is to reach for salt and pepper or for butter and honey or for mixed herbs—something to add desired flavor. It makes eating pleasurable. (Sometimes too pleasurable… curse you chocolate!) 

It would be terribly disheartening to find that my taste buds no longer worked properly. My desire to eat would decline, that is certain. So today, I am grateful for flavors and for my ability to enjoy them. Even black licorice. Yum!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 22nd


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 22nd:

I scarcely think about it until I am faced with a situation where I have little to none, but I am thankful for the fact that most circumstances in life allow for several options. It is something often taken for granted—the fact that options usually exist. 

When ordering lunch, picking out school courses, selecting a grocery store, choosing a haircut, deciding on an outfit, even electing new government officials, there are options. Imagine a life without them. One meal. One schedule. One store. One look. One uniform. One leader. It would be frustrating! 

So, when you are faced with many options, smile and be grateful. To have more than one is a blessing often ignored.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 21st


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 21st:

I am thankful for socks. Thin socks. Thick socks. Furry socks. Cute socks. Ugly socks. Long, medium, and short socks. They are all magnificent! 

I love the feel of socks on my feet. They keep my toes warm, especially on chilly winter nights. They absorb perspiration while protecting my feet from abrasive shoes. They act as a layer between the soles of my feet and things like thorns, tiny rocks, and bits of broken glass that sometimes end up on the floor. 

Interesting fact: socks were first invented in the 8th century when they were fashioned from matted animal hair. 
I bet they were oh so soft! 

We are lucky today to have countless kinds of socks available to us. I admittedly own way more than I need! Nonetheless, it is gratifying to slip on a pair of fuzzy socks at the end of the day and prop up my feet on the coffee table. Ah, comfy socks, you make me happy.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 20th


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 20th:

There are certain types of people in this world who show exceptional skill at perceiving the feelings and thoughts of others. They are keenly aware of those around them, and sense emotions even when the emotions are intentionally hidden or suppressed. These individuals we call empaths.

Empaths are sensitive people who share in the pain and happiness of others without needing to live through the same experiences. They joy vicariously. They suffer vicariously. They often identify and understand your feelings before you do. An empath will ask if something is wrong, perceiving even a slight deviation in mood, often recognizing there is a problem before anyone else is aware of it. 

The wonderful thing about empaths is they compassionately discern feelings. They are sensitive, and they genuinely  care. It is a rare treat to befriend an empath. In a world that seems teeming with apathy, detachment, and spite, I am grateful for the empathetic individuals who continue to offer understanding, patience, and mercy. Thank you with all my heart, my empathetic friends.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 19th


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 19th:

Today I am thankful for floss. Now, that might seem like an odd thing to say, but believe me, there is genuine gratitude to be felt at finding a roll of minty floss when food is wedged between your teeth.

 I don’t recall it being a problem when I was young, but as an older adult I have found that food gets caught in my teeth a lot—way too often—and it is aggravating! My poor tongue nearly goes numb struggling to loosen trapped food... largely without success. Neither a toothpick nor a fingernail work well enough. It drives me mad the more I try! Ugh! 

I admit it; I have resorted to using thread, yarn, ribbon, hair (my own), paper, the end of a straw, and even the tip of a sewing needle when no floss was available. Nothing has proven as effective as actual dental floss. Those thin, waxy, minty strings are useful, satisfying, lifesaving, and in my opinion hugely-underappreciated. And yes, I am very thankful for floss.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 18th


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 18th:

There are opposites in all things: light versus darkness, heat and coldness, noise contrasting quiet, laughter versus tears. You could probably list a dozen more opposites without thinking too hard about it. 

We experience each side of these coins through a lifetime, tasting the bitter and the sweet at various points. It is because of opposites that we develop appreciation. 

For example, hard work makes us welcome rest. Salt causes sugar to taste sweeter to the tongue. The chill of winter gives summertime more impact. Prolonged darkness gives greater value to a sunrise. It is our experiences with opposition that teach us to appreciate the good over the bad, the kind over the cruel, things of worth over things of no real value. 

Even though some experiences are unpleasant, the truth is that opposition makes us more aware, more discerning, and more appreciative. I am grateful for opposites and the learning experiences they provide us in life.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 17th


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 17th:

I removed a pile of envelopes from my mailbox today and noticed a big, brown, hairy spider standing motionless on the top piece of mail. Shrieking (because I hate spiders) I dumped everything onto the ground and then—with a thick envelope advertising 0% on a new credit card—I swatted at where the spider had landed. You might be wondering if today I am grateful for no-interest credit card offers (as if there’s never a catch) but no. The nasty spider got me thinking….

Strangely, I’m not afraid of grasshoppers, crickets, tree frogs, or mantises that are found in abundance where I live. Nope, I just hate spiders. I neither appreciate their purpose nor understand why they were designed to look so creepy. *shuddering* Nonetheless, I have a friend who is in fact fascinated by spiders: their hunting methods, routine habits, and the geometric design of their webs. So, while I freak out at the sight of eight long, hairy legs, spiders genuinely capture my friend’s interest. (Go figure.)

Now, this got me thinking about how vast the variety of life is on the Earth. Did you know there are over 8,700,000 species of animals in the world? Over 34,000 recognized species of fish, over 17,500 species of butterflies, over 10,000 species of birds, over 9,000 different insects, and over 45,000 kinds of spiders! (That’s a lot of creepy crawlers.)

My point is that nature gifts us a wealth of variety in life—in lifeforms. The world is a colorful, stunning place because of it. Among human life the same thing is true: we are more beautiful because of the variety that exists in our appearances, cultures, talents, and unique personalities. Variety is a tremendous blessing. Differences are glorious. I am thankful today to have recognized this truth.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 16th


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 16th:

One of my all-time favorite phrases has been around for years, and it goes like this: 

"Once upon a time…"

Oh, how I love to hear those words! They have the power to hush an auditorium full of people, making every ear pause with anticipation for one of the most enticing pleasures in the world—a story. 

We love stories! I love to read them; I love to write them. But it is not the fairy tales I find as fascinating as the creativity and imagination unveiled by the author who wrote them. Stories are a treat—no arguments there—but when the plot takes an unexpected turn, when the tale “wows” the reader, that is the sweet experience we want. 

It takes real creativity and imagination to craft a story like that. I am thankful for clever imaginations. I am thankful for the gift of creativity. I am thankful that these talents can be improved with practice.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Being Grateful - Nov 15th


This November, I have taken on the challenge of pondering blessings that I commonly overlook. Things I would certainly miss if they were gone, yet scarcely give much thought. My goal is to share daily one typically-ignored blessing for which I am truly thankful.

Nov. 15th:

I had a delightful time this weekend baking delicious treats with a very good friend. We made soft chocolate-chip cookies, homemade bread, big cream puffs, sweet apple pie, and a peach-apricot tart… and it’s not even Thanksgiving yet! 

Everything was made from scratch (not kidding!) and every recipe called for one main ingredient—flour. I grind my own wheat ahead of time and keep the flour in jars for ready use. Wheat flour is a good source of iron, thiamine, niacin, calcium, and vitamin B6, in addition to several vitamins and minerals. It is “the staff of life” and certainly stores well because it lasts FOREVER! Well, for many, many, many years anyway. 

Today I am grateful for the nutritional value of wheat and for flour that is a key ingredient in so many foods we eat (including the delicious waffles I made this morning!)